您的 Android 应用程序包用错误的密钥签名。确保您的应用程序包使用正确的签名键进行签名,然后再试一次

如何使用正确的签名密钥签名我的 android 应用程序包?

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The error suggests that you have uploaded an APK or an App Bundle previously. All the artifacts you upload to the Play Console should all be signed with the same keystore. So the error means that you signed the App Bundle with a key that is different than the ones you have uploaded previously. You have to either find that keystore you used before or reset the key by contacting Play Console support team.

I was banging my head on the table over this for about two hours. When I finally gave up and was filling out my "reset key" request, I realized that I was currently attempting to upload it to the wrong project the whole time.

So, step one: confirm that you're attempting to upload to the correct project.

Just rebuild the project and generate signed apk once again and try !

Wasted my 2 days on this, had my keystore key but still showed error and request google for generating new key.... Read some random stackoverflow, where it was written to rebuild the project and try uploading once again.. IT WORKED !

What I did was exclude my android files from git, then when I changed branch and rebuilt, my build.gradle file was overwritten.

I tried using the multiple answers here & in this question, but somehow I was getting this error because I had some issues with my android/app/build.gradle and android/gradle.properties files.

Two things you should check (in addition to the other solutions here) are:

  1. In android/gradle.properties and android/app/build.gradle, make sure your keystore variables match exactly.
    • In android/gradle.properties, you probably have something like this:
    • Make sure these variable names exactly match those in android/app/build.gradle:
      android {
      signingConfigs {
      release {
      if (project.hasProperty('MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE')) {
      storeFile file(MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE)
  2. In android/app/build.gradle, make sure you set signingConfig to signingConfigs.release in your release buildTypes:
    android {
    buildTypes {
    debug ...
    release {
    signingConfig signingConfigs.release

I am using expo to build my app bundle. In my case, I had to:

  1. Manually create a new keystore file.
    Or download your existing keystore using command expo fetch:android:keystore
  2. Download the Upload certificate of my app from Google Play Console
  3. Import the Upload certificate of the app into the newly created keystore file, giving it a key alias and a password. This is easily done using the java keytool. In MacOS is in the path so issue a keytool -h to see the various commands available.
  4. run expo ba -c , took the manual route and when asked, I specified the keystore file I created in step 1.

React Native here!

I got this error after trying to upload the generated .aab file from the ./gradlew bundleRelease command. I fixed it by exporting the .aab file by using Android Studio again. I believe that this is the way to upload your first .aab file to Google Play anyway. In case you don't know how:

In Android Studio:

  1. Open you React Native's project android folder
  2. Go to Build -> Generate Signed Bundle / APK
  3. Select Android App Bundle
  4. Enter your key-store details (if this is your first time doing this, you have to check the Export encrypted key checkbox, which you can use for Google Play App signing) and click Next
  5. When Android Studio finishes it gives you the option to locate the file(s) created

Now if you upload this .aab file, it should be accepted.

I realized that when I upload apk it gives more detailed error. so maybe try that solve errors and maybe then try app bundle.

hope it helps.

Read this is you have requested a new upload key from Google Play and still get this error (should work for both native Android and Flutter as well).

I had experienced the same problem. And here's out steps on how to resolve it:

  1. We've lost the upload key (initial keystore file, probably .jks) that was used to sign the app.
  2. We created a new keystore file and exported created certificate to PEM format as stated here in the docs. We sent the request to the Google Play Team to reset our key, attached .pem file.
  3. When Google Play team reset the key we've tried to use the new .jks keystore we had created in the step 2 and the error appears one more time.

The solution is to clean your project, rebuild it from scratch to reset all the cached builds.

In case of Flutter (we had this error building the app using Flutter). Make sure you use

flutter clean

Build the application on simulator or device.

Then run:

flutter build appbundle --release

This is how it was solved in our case.

PS. This should also help on native Android too.

I had the same error when building a signed Android App Bundle.
For debug purposes on the local maschine, I enabled debuggable in the release build type.
It seems, Playstore recognized an debug build and simply said it is not a valid Bundle.


buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
//debuggable = true  <----- Works like expected when disabled

For those who have released apk without a manually generated keystore and facing this issue when trying to release the apk or bundle from a different machine, follow the below steps:

  1. Copy debug.keystore (C:\Users\username\.android\debug.keystore) from the machine which used to build the first version of the App

  2. Select Build > Generate Signed Bundle/APK

  3. Provide the Key store path to the debug.keystore file

  4. Fill the other fields with the default values mentioned below and build

Keystore name: "debug.keystore"
Keystore password: "android"
Key alias: "androiddebugkey"
Key password: "android"
CN: "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US"

Verify the details as shown in image and body

This is worked for me!

While uploading apk/bundle first time to play store you might generated private_key.pepk then your key might be also changed. So if you selected default key alias key0 then make sure you selected proper alias then only proceed. If that steps is correct then your bundle will be upload successfully.

Late answer(for any one possibly still struggling with this topic)-

You may have forgot the .jks file of that project.

  1. Search for .jks files in File explorer.

  2. Connect it to your project.

If you are publishing app to playstore and find error Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key. Ensure that your app bundle is signed with the correct signing key and try again: Then, If you have not generated/changed app bundle or rebuild/clean project before reaching the current state displayed in pic then make sure to make new app project on play console as play console might be mixing the two keys. image

Well after wasting hours on this problem ,Below Solution works for me -

When you are creating signed bundle it gets saved to some location, Then when it gets rejected, you went again to make new Signed Bundle, Well thats where the mistake happens.

See when now you will create another signed bundle, you sign it another folder , assuming that previous one was made last time, , make sure you store the signed key in the "SAME FOLDER", No need to make any new signed key path , JUST use the path you used while doing it for First time.

See this image, use the same path which you have used during first time

Use the same JKS FILES as you have used for the first time. NOW WHEN YOU WILL MAKE BUNDLES FILE, IT WILL BE HAVING THE CORRECT KEY.

Thank You!!!

Make sure you are using the correct JKS for App Signing.

Common developer error, Android app with multiple flavours sign bundle using different JKS file.

I got the same error : enter image description here

In my case I changed :

android {
compileSdkVersion 30


android {
compileSdkVersion 31


targetSdkVersion 30


targetSdkVersion 31

and it worked. Hope it will work for you.

In google play console I solved this issue by going to the aab archive tab and removed all existing versions there. Then I went back to production and choose change key for app signing. After this I could successfully upload my aab file.

if you lost your upload-keystore.jks file then either you have to reset the upload signing key or create a new app with new app bundle. for reset the upload the key-store.jks follow the link below.He has explained very nicely how to do that. reset the signing key

It Worked for me with this solution I rebuild the project in Android Studio then i changed the version code, and export the project with new keystore in my console i deleted the release and create a new release and it worked good

I got the same error :

In my case, I was trying to upload debug version. That caused me this error.

So I changed below line in app-level Gradle:

signingConfig signingConfigs.debug


signingConfig signingConfigs.release

there is **sign in key ** just click and upload with new keystore file that created manually

enter image description here

Wowwww it it took me so long to understand why it is not working....

I changed the app key and send it to google and thy sent me to do: " Follow the instructions in the Android Studio Help Center to generate a new key. It must be different from any previous keys. Alternatively, you can use the following command line to generate a new key: keytool -genkeypair -alias upload -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 9125 -keystore keystore.jks

This key must be a 2048 bit RSA key and have 25-year validity. Export the certificate for that key to PEM format: keytool -export -rfc -alias upload -file upload_certificate.pem -keystore keystore.jks

Reply to this email and attach the upload_certificate.pem file. "

i did it and the 1 thing that miss is to change in my keyAlias in the build.gradle to upload 🤦‍♂️

If you are using Fastlane, just check that you are actually typing the right passwords.

When trying to run the flow to upload to the play store, I was typing wrong the passwords for the signing store and alias key.

I just discarded the previous release and then create a new release and uploaded the app-release.aab.

enter image description here

I have tried nearly everything that for a moment thought it must have been easier. This is for new releases If it is a new release just ignore it, create a new release ( create a new app ) and make sure you choose a different package name. This time also make sure there is nothing left between the folder you copied and new project