Java 到 Clojure 的重写

我的公司刚刚要求我在 Clojure 重写一个很大的 Java 应用程序(50000行代码)(一个使用 JSP 和 servlet 的 web 应用程序)。还有谁知道我该注意什么吗?

请记住,我对 Java 和 Clojure 都很熟悉。


我重写了剧本,然后投入了制作。这是相当奇怪的,因为重写结束了如此之快,它完成了大约6个星期。因为很多功能都是不需要的,所以它最终只有3000行 Clojure 代码。

I hear they are happy with the system and its doing exactly what they wanted. The only downside is that the guy maintaining the system had to learn Clojure from scratch, and he was dragged into it kicking and screaming. I did get a call from him the other day saying he loved Lisp now though.. funny :)

Also, I should give a good mention to Vaadin. Using Vaadin probably accounted for as much of the time saved and shortness of the code as Clojure did.. Vaadin is still the top web framework I have ever used, although now I'm learning ClojureScript in anger! (Note that both Vaadin and ClojureScript use Google's GUI frameworks underneath the hood.)

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I found the most difficult part was thinking about the database. Do some tests to find the right tools you want to use there.

The biggest "translational issue" will probably be going from a Java / OOP methodology to a Clojure / functional programming paradigm.

In particular, instead of having mutable state within objects, the "Clojure way" is to clearly separate out mutable state and develop pure (side-effect free) functions. You probably know all this already :-)

Anyway, this philosophy tends to lead towards something of a "bottom up" development style where you focus the initial efforts on building the right set of tools to solve your problem, then finally plug them together at the end. This might look something like this

  1. Identify key data structures and transform them to immutable Clojure map or record definitions. Don't be afraid to nest lots of immutable maps - they are very efficient thanks to Clojure's persistent data structures. Worth watching this video to learn more.

  2. Develop small libraries of pure, business logic oriented functions that operate on these immutable structures (e.g. "add an item to shopping cart"). You don't need to do all of these at once since it is easy to add more later, but it helps to do a few early on to facilitate testing and prove that your data structures are working..... either way at this point you can actually start writing useful stuff interactively at the REPL

  3. Separately develop data access routines that can persist these structures to/from the database or network or legacy Java code as needed. The reason to keep this very separate is that you don't want persistence logic tied up with your "business logic" functions. You might want to look at ClojureQL for this, though it's also pretty easy to wrap any Java persistence code that you like.

  4. Write unit tests (e.g. with clojure.test) that cover all the above. This is especially important in a dynamic language like Clojure since a) you don't have as much of a safety net from static type checking and b) it helps to be sure that your lower level constructs are working well before you build too much on top of them

  5. Decide how you want to use Clojure's reference types (vars, refs, agents and atoms) to manage each part mutable application-level state. They all work in a similar way but have different transactional/concurrency semantics depending on what you are trying to do. Refs are probably going to be your default choice - they allow you to implement "normal" STM transactional behaviour by wrapping any code in a (dosync ...) block.

  6. Select the right overall web framework - Clojure has quite a few already but I'd strongly recommend Ring - see this excellent video "One Ring To Bind Them" plus either Fleet or Enlive or Hiccup depending on your templating philosophy. Then use this to write your presentation layer (with functions like "translate this shopping cart into an appropriate HTML fragment")

  7. Finally, write your application using the above tools. If you've done the above steps properly, then this will actually be the easy bit because you will be able to build the entire application by appropriate composition of the various components with very little boilerplate.

This is roughly the sequence that I would attack the problem since it broadly represents the order of dependencies in your code, and hence is suitable for a "bottom up" development effort. Though of course in good agile / iterative style you'd probably find yourself pushing forward early to a demonstrable end product and then jumping back to earlier steps quite frequently to extend functionality or refactor as needed.

p.s. If you do follow the above approach, I'd be fascinated to hear how many lines of Clojure it takes to match the functionality of 50,000 lines of Java

Update: Since this post was originally written a couple of extra tools/libraries have emerged that are in the "must check out" category:

  • Noir - web framework that builds on top of Ring.
  • Korma - a very nice DSL for accessing SQL databases.

What aspects of Java does your current project include? Logging, Database transactions, Declarative transactions/EJB, web layer (you mentioned JSP, servlets) etc. I have noticed the Clojure eco-system has various micro-frameworks and libraries with a goal to do one task, and do it well. I'd suggest evaluate libraries based on your need (and whether it would scale in large projects) and make an informed decision. (Disclaimer: I am the author of bitumenframework) Another thing to note is the build process - if you need a complex setup (dev, testing, staging, prod) you may have to split the project into modules and have the build process scripted for ease.