Azure DevOps,YAML 发布管道?

我按照这个过程为.NET Core Web API 项目创建 YAML 构建管道:


说到发布它,我注意到(最近重新命名的) Azure DevOps 似乎不支持 YAML 来定义发布管道。但是,我可以看到已经定义了部署任务,例如:


我们是否期望升级到发布管道功能以支持 YAML,如果是,什么时候?

47660 次浏览

At the time of writing this response the features timeline reflects yaml releases are coming 2018 Q3.

Update: This has been bumped a few times. Checking the comments below is recommended as folks have been providing updates as they find them.


As per comments, this is now possible: The following is copied and pasted from the article and demonstrates using various stages:

- stage: Build
- job: Build
vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'
continueOnError: true
- script: echo my first build job
- stage: Deploy
# track deployments on the environment
- deployment: DeployWeb
vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'
# creates an environment if it doesn’t exist
environment: 'smarthotel-dev'
# default deployment strategy
- script: echo my first deployment

The Product Team is working on it. You can track the update through Release notes.

I am in the middle of doing something like this right this very moment, but I am using the current REST APIs. What I am doing something similar to what I documented here (How do you import a release definition in VSTS?). Basically I am saving a templated JSON Release Pipeline file into the source code repository with variable placeholders, and a version number embedded. A then have a PowerShell script that is calling the Azure DevOps (that's a long word, I preferred typing VSTS, maybe I'll start typing AD)

  • REST APIs to check of the Release Pipeline exists - works
  • Create if it doesn't exist - works
  • Compare embedded versions and update and if necessary (I'm stuck here, but I'll solve it, returning error that pipeline being updated hasn't changed even though I've changed it.)

I want this to executing during the Build pipeline so that I no longer have to modify lots of similar Release pipelines manually. I would prefer this to be a YAML file as well, but this is what I have today. I hope this helps.

Pipelines are made of one or more jobs and may include resources and variables. Jobs are made of one or more steps plus some job-specific data. Steps can be tasks, scripts, or references to external templates. This is reflected in the structure of the YAML file. Please visit here for details

YAML build pipeline creation experience is in preview. (today is 2018-12-04)

YAML for release pipelines seems to be a ways off still: 2019 Q2

Preview features can be enabled from your profile like this:

profile menu

YAML feature

EDIT: As nullforce points out in comments, this only enables a YAML experience for build pipelines and not release pipelines.

UPDATE (2019-05-16): Following Microsoft's "Build 2019", the full YAML experience for both build and deployment should now be possible in the same YAML pipelines file.