R: 在向空数据框架添加行时丢失列名

我刚开始使用 R,遇到了一个奇怪的行为: 当在空数据框中插入第一行时,原始列名会丢失。


a<-data.frame(one = numeric(0), two = numeric(0))
#[1] one two
#<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
#[1] "one" "two"
a<-rbind(a, c(5,6))
#  X5 X6
#1  5  6
#[1] "X5" "X6"

如您所见,列名 X5X6替换。





我创建了一个函数,它收集一些数据,并将它们作为一个新行添加到作为参数接收的数据帧中。 我创建数据框架,遍历我的数据源,将 data.frame 传递给每个函数调用以填充其结果。

42551 次浏览

Workaround would be:

a <- rbind(a, data.frame(one = 5, two = 6))

?rbind states that merging objects demands matching names:

It then takes the classes of the columns from the first data frame, and matches columns by name (rather than by position)

The rbind help pages specifies that :

For ‘cbind’ (‘rbind’), vectors of zero length (including ‘NULL’) are ignored unless the result would have zero rows (columns), for S compatibility. (Zero-extent matrices do not occur in S3 and are not ignored in R.)

So, in fact, a is ignored in your rbind instruction. Not totally ignored, it seems, because as it is a data frame the rbind function is called as rbind.data.frame :

#  X5 X6
#1  5  6

Maybe one way to insert the row could be :

a[nrow(a)+1,] <- c(5,6)
#  one two
#1   5   6

But there may be a better way to do it depending on your code.

FWIW, an alternative design might have your functions building vectors for the two columns, instead of rbinding to a data frame:

ones <- c()
twos <- c()

Modify the vectors in your functions:

ones <- append(ones, 5)
twos <- append(twos, 6)

Repeat as needed, then create your data.frame in one go:

a <- data.frame(one=ones, two=twos)

was almost surrendering to this issue.

1) create data frame with stringsAsFactor set to FALSE or you run straight into the next issue

2) don't use rbind - no idea why on earth it is messing up the column names. simply do it this way:

df[nrow(df)+1,] <- c("d","gsgsgd",4)

df <- data.frame(a = character(0), b=character(0), c=numeric(0))

df[nrow(df)+1,] <- c("d","gsgsgd",4)

#1: In `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, iseq, value = "d") :
#  invalid factor level, NAs generated
#2: In `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, iseq, value = "gsgsgd") :
#  invalid factor level, NAs generated

df <- data.frame(a = character(0), b=character(0), c=numeric(0), stringsAsFactors=F)

df[nrow(df)+1,] <- c("d","gsgsgd",4)

#  a      b c
#1 d gsgsgd 4

You can do this:

give one row to the initial data frame


add your new row and take out the NAS


but watch out that your newrow does not have NAs or it will be erased too.

Cheers Agus

Instead of constructing the data.frame with numeric(0) I use as.numeric(0).

a<-data.frame(one=as.numeric(0), two=as.numeric(0))

This creates an extra initial row

#    one two
#1   0   0

Bind the additional rows

#    one two
#1   0   0
#2   5   6

Then use negative indexing to remove the first (bogus) row


#    one two
#2   5   6

Note: it messes up the index (far left). I haven't figured out how to prevent that (anyone else?), but most of the time it probably doesn't matter.

One way to make this work generically and with the least amount of re-typing the column names is the following. This method doesn't require hacking the NA or 0.

rs <- data.frame(i=numeric(), square=numeric(), cube=numeric())
for (i in 1:4) {
calc <- c(i, i^2, i^3)
# append calc to rs
names(calc) <- names(rs)
rs <- rbind(rs, as.list(calc))

rs will have the correct names

> rs
i square cube
1   1      1    1
2   2      4    8
3   3      9   27
4   4     16   64

Another way to do this more cleanly is to use data.table:

> df <- data.frame(a=numeric(0), b=numeric(0))
> rbind(df, list(1,2)) # column names are messed up
>   X1 X2
> 1  1  2

> df <- data.table(a=numeric(0), b=numeric(0))
> rbind(df, list(1,2)) # column names are preserved
a b
1: 1 2

Notice that a data.table is also a data.frame.

> class(df)
"data.table" "data.frame"

I use the following solution to add a row to an empty data frame:

d_dataset <-
variable = character(),
before = numeric(),
after = numeric(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

d_dataset <-
variable = "test",
before = 9,
after = 12,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))


variable before after
1     test      9    12


Kind regards


Researching this venerable R annoyance brought me to this page. I wanted to add a bit more explanation to Georg's excellent answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/41609844/2757825), which not only solves the problem raised by the OP (losing field names) but also prevents the unwanted conversion of all fields to factors. For me, those two problems go together. I wanted a solution in base R that doesn't involve writing extra code but preserves the two distinct operations: define the data frame, append the row(s)--which is what Georg's answer provides.

The first two examples below illustrate the problems and the third and fourth show Georg's solution.

Example 1: Append the new row as vector with rbind

  • Result: loses column names AND coverts all variables to factors
my.df <- data.frame(
table = character(0),
score = numeric(0),
my.df <- rbind(
c("Bob", 250)

X.Bob. X.250.
1    Bob    250

'data.frame':   1 obs. of  2 variables:
$ X.Bob.: Factor w/ 1 level "Bob": 1
$ X.250.: Factor w/ 1 level "250": 1

Example 2: Append the new row as a data frame inside rbind

  • Result: keeps column names but still converts character variables to factors.
my.df <- data.frame(
table = character(0),
score = numeric(0),
my.df <- rbind(
data.frame(name="Bob", score=250)

name score
1 Bob  250

'data.frame':   1 obs. of  2 variables:
$ name : Factor w/ 1 level "Bob": 1
$ score: num 250

Example 3: Append the new row inside rbind as a data frame, with stringsAsFactors=FALSE

  • Result: problem solved.
my.df <- data.frame(
table = character(0),
score = numeric(0),
my.df <- rbind(
data.frame(name="Bob", score=250, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

name score
1 Bob  250

'data.frame':   1 obs. of  2 variables:
$ name : chr "Bob"
$ score: num 250

Example 4: Like example 3, but adding multiple rows at once.

my.df <- data.frame(
table = character(0),
score = numeric(0),
my.df <- rbind(
name=c("Bob", "Carol", "Ted"),
score=c(250, 124, 95),

'data.frame':   3 obs. of  2 variables:
$ name : chr  "Bob" "Carol" "Ted"
$ score: num  250 124 95

name score
1   Bob   250
2 Carol   124
3   Ted    95