I'm pretty happy with s3cmd, but there is one issue: How to copy all files from one S3 bucket to another? Is it even possible?
EDIT: I've found a way to copy files between buckets using Python with boto:
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
def copyBucket(srcBucketName, dstBucketName, maxKeys = 100):
conn = S3Connection(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey)
srcBucket = conn.get_bucket(srcBucketName);
dstBucket = conn.get_bucket(dstBucketName);
resultMarker = ''
while True:
keys = srcBucket.get_all_keys(max_keys = maxKeys, marker = resultMarker)
for k in keys:
print 'Copying ' + k.key + ' from ' + srcBucketName + ' to ' + dstBucketName
t0 = time.clock()
dstBucket.copy_key(k.key, srcBucketName, k.key)
print time.clock() - t0, ' seconds'
if len(keys) < maxKeys:
print 'Done'
resultMarker = keys[maxKeys - 1].key
Syncing is almost as straight forward as copying. There are fields for ETag, size, and last-modified available for keys.
Maybe this helps others as well.