I'm facing a small problem. As you can see, i have set maxLength 1 of TextField in Flutter, But i'm unable to hide bottom label of text counter.
可以在 TextField中使用输入格式化程序
inputFormatters:[ LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter(1), ]
你可以通过在 短文字段内部添加 counterText: ''来隐藏计数器。它只会显示一个空字符串。
counterText: ''
若要在使用 maxLength属性时对 文本字段或 TextFormField小部件隐藏计数器值,请尝试以下操作:
TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( hintText: "Email", counterText: "", ), maxLength: 40, ),
在这里,我在 InputDecoration属性中设置了 counterText属性,值为空。希望对您有所帮助。
您可以使用 InputDecoratoin 来隐藏字母计数器。
TextFormField( decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: "username", counterStyle: TextStyle(height: double.minPositive,), counterText: "" )
TextField( maxLength: 10, buildCounter: (BuildContext context, { int currentLength, int maxLength, bool isFocused }) => null, )
另一种解决方案是使用 SizedBox 隐藏计数器小部件:
TextFormField( ... decoration: InputDecoration( contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0), counter: new SizedBox( height: 0.0, )), ... )
只需将字符串设置为 Offstage ()就可以了。
TextField( maxLines: 1, decoration: InputDecoration( counter: Offstage(), ), ),
大多数答案似乎都有效。另一种方法是给计数器分配一个缩小的 SizeBox。
TextField(decoration: InputDecoration( hintText: "Email", counter: SizedBox.shrink() ), maxLength: 40, ),
TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( hintText: "Email", counter: Container(), ), maxLength: 20, ),
使用高度和宽度为零的 SizedBox:
TextField( maxLength: 400, decoration: InputDecoration( counter: SizedBox( width: 0, height: 0, ),),)
只需将 buildCounter 设置为 null。 它是一个回调函数,生成一个定制的[ InputDecorator.counter ]小部件
TextField( maxLength: (some length), buildCounter: (BuildContext context, {int currentLength, int maxLength, bool isFocused}) => null, );
您可以在 TextField 中使用输入格式化程序设置输入限制,如果您只是想隐藏计数器来设置输入限制,那么这是最好的方法。
import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; inputFormatters:[ LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter(1), ]
或者您可以自定义装饰使计数器 = 容器() :
decoration: InputDecoration( hintText: "Email", counter: Container(), ),
如果您更喜欢自定义 buildCounter,这里是如何正确做到这一点(您也可以自定义字体、颜色等)。当文本字段失去焦点时,计数器限制将消失。或者你可以
TextField( controller: _clienteTextEditingController, maxLength: 50, buildCounter: (BuildContext context, {int currentLength, int maxLength, bool isFocused}) { return isFocused ? Text( 'The Input Limits are: $currentLength/$maxLength ', style: new TextStyle( fontSize: 10.0, ), semanticsLabel: 'Input constraints', ) : null; }, ),
TextField( keyboardType: TextInputType.number, maxLength: 10, decoration: InputDecoration( **counterText:""**) )
decoration: InputDecoration( counter: Spacer(), labelText: "National ID #", border: InputBorder.none, hintText: 'e.g 01-1234567A12', hintStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.grey)),
在文本字段,使用 Spacer()作为计数器... 希望这有所帮助,我不知道它是否打破了其他任何东西,但我的工作正常。
TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: "Table Number", counterText: "" )
正如@user10481267提到的,最好的答案是使用 buildCounter属性。这提供了极大的灵活性,您甚至可以动态地决定是否显示计数器。
我用 JSON 构建了一个具有所需属性的动态表单:
TextFormField( buildCounter: (BuildContext context, { int currentLength, int maxLength, bool isFocused}) { if (isFocused) return formFields[index]["max"] == null ? null : Text( '$currentLength / $maxLength', semanticsLabel: 'character count', ); else return null; }, maxLength: formFields[index]["max"] ?? 100, decoration: new InputDecoration( labelText: formFields[index]["hint"] ?? "", fillColor: Colors.green, border: new OutlineInputBorder( borderRadius: new BorderRadius.circular(15.0), borderSide: new BorderSide(), ), ) )
TextField( controller: myController, maxLength: 3, buildCounter: (BuildContext context, {int currentLength, int maxLength, bool isFocused}) =>null )
TextFormField( buildCounter: ( BuildContext context, { required int currentLength, int? maxLength, required bool isFocused, }) => null,
TextField( maxLength: 10, buildCounter: (BuildContext context, {int? currentLength, int? maxLength, bool? isFocused}) => null, )
将 < strong > CounterText: “”,添加到 InputDecoration
TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( counterText: "", ), maxLength: 10, ),
Container( height: 48, alignment: Alignment.centerLeft, padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16), decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border.all( color: CustomColors.kToDark, ), color: CustomColors.White, borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8))), child: TextFormField( textAlign: TextAlign.left, cursorColor: CustomColors.kToDark, maxLength: 30, controller: _titleController, keyboardType: TextInputType.text, decoration: InputDecoration( counterText: "", border: InputBorder.none, isDense: true, contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(0))), ),
在 InputDecoration ()中使用 反文本:
在 InputDecoration 中为计数器小部件使用 SizedBox.队列() :