I was going to go with Jason's answer but I noticed that in My version of Xcode (4.3.3) I couldn't do that. so after a bit of research I found they had recently changed the class methods and removed all the old ones. so here's how I had to do it:
To remove the decimals from your double, take a look at this output
Obj C
double hellodouble = 10.025;
NSLog(@"Your value with 2 decimals: %.2f", hellodouble);
NSLog(@"Your value with no decimals: %.0f", hellodouble);
The output will be:
Swift 2.1 and Xcode 7.2.1
let hellodouble:Double = 3.14159265358979
print(String(format:"Your value with 2 decimals: %.2f", hellodouble))
print(String(format:"Your value with no decimals: %.0f", hellodouble))
For Swift there is a simple solution if you can't either import Foundation, use round() and/or does not want a String (usually the case when you're in Playground):
var number = 31.726354765
var intNumber = Int(number * 1000.0)
var roundedNumber = Double(intNumber) / 1000.0