function bringElIntoView(el) {
var elOffset = el.offset();
var $window = $(window);
var windowScrollBottom = $window.scrollTop() + $window.height();
var scrollToPos = -1;
if ( < $window.scrollTop()) // element is hidden in the top
scrollToPos =;
else if ( + el.height() > windowScrollBottom) // element is hidden in the bottom
scrollToPos = $window.scrollTop() + ( + el.height() - windowScrollBottom);
if (scrollToPos !== -1)
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: scrollToPos });
function scrollIntoViewIfNeeded($target, options) {
var options = options ? options : {},
$win = $($target[0].ownerDocument.defaultView), //get the window object of the $target, don't use "window" because the element could possibly be in a different iframe than the one calling the function
$container = options.$container ? options.$container : $win,
padding = options.padding ? options.padding : 20,
elemTop = $target.offset().top,
elemHeight = $target.outerHeight(),
containerTop = $container.scrollTop(),
//Everything past this point is used only to get the container's visible height, which is needed to do this accurately
containerHeight = $container.outerHeight(),
winTop = $win.scrollTop(),
winBot = winTop + $win.height(),
containerVisibleTop = containerTop < winTop ? winTop : containerTop,
containerVisibleBottom = containerTop + containerHeight > winBot ? winBot : containerTop + containerHeight,
containerVisibleHeight = containerVisibleBottom - containerVisibleTop;
if (elemTop < containerTop) {
//scroll up
if (options.instant) {
$container.scrollTop(elemTop - padding);
} else {
$container.animate({scrollTop: elemTop - padding}, options.animationOptions);
} else if (elemTop + elemHeight > containerTop + containerVisibleHeight) {
//scroll down
if (options.instant) {
$container.scrollTop(elemTop + elemHeight - containerVisibleHeight + padding);
} else {
$container.animate({scrollTop: elemTop + elemHeight - containerVisibleHeight + padding}, options.animationOptions);