Python: Tuples/dictionary as key,select,sort

假设我有大量不同颜色的水果,例如,24个蓝色的香蕉,12个绿色的苹果,0个蓝色的草莓等等。 我想用 Python 中的数据结构来组织它们,以便于选择和排序。我的想法是把它们放到一个字典中,元组作为键,例如,

('banana',    'blue' ): 24,
('apple',     'green'): 12,
('strawberry','blue' ): 0,
# ...


{'fruit': 'banana',    'color': 'blue' }: 24,
{'fruit': 'apple',     'color': 'green'}: 12,
{'fruit': 'strawberry','color': 'blue' }: 0,
# ...

I'd like to retrieve a list of all blue fruit, or bananas of all colors, for example, or to sort this dictionary by the name of the fruit. Are there ways to do this in a clean way?

将元组作为键的字典很可能不是处理这种情况的 适当的方法。


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  1. 将数据冗余地存储为 {'banana' : {'blue' : 4, ...}, .... }{'blue': {'banana':4, ...} ...}两个字母。然后,搜索和排序是很容易的,但是你必须确保你一起修改字典。

  2. 只存储一个结果,然后编写迭代这些结果的函数,例如:

    d = {'banana' : {'blue' : 4, 'yellow':6}, 'apple':{'red':1} }
    blueFruit = [(fruit,d[fruit]['blue']) if d[fruit].has_key('blue') for fruit in d.keys()]

就个人而言,我喜欢 python 的原因之一就是它的元组-字典组合。这里实际上是一个2d 数组(其中 x = level name 和 y = color) ,我通常支持用元组的 dict 来实现2d 数组,至少在像 numpy或数据库这样的东西不太合适的时候。简而言之,我认为你有一个很好的方法。

请注意,如果不做一些额外的工作,就不能将 dicts 用作 dict 中的键,所以这不是一个很好的解决方案。

也就是说,你也应该考虑 Namedtuple ()。这样你就可以这样做:

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> Fruit = namedtuple("Fruit", ["name", "color"])
>>> f = Fruit(name="banana", color="red")
>>> print f
Fruit(name='banana', color='red')
>>> f.color


>>> fruitcount = {Fruit("banana", "red"):5}
>>> fruitcount[f]


>>> fruits = fruitcount.keys()
>>> fruits.sort()
>>> print fruits
[Fruit(name='apple', color='green'),
Fruit(name='apple', color='red'),
Fruit(name='banana', color='blue'),
Fruit(name='strawberry', color='blue')]
>>> fruits.sort(key=lambda x:x.color)
>>> print fruits
[Fruit(name='banana', color='blue'),
Fruit(name='strawberry', color='blue'),
Fruit(name='apple', color='green'),
Fruit(name='apple', color='red')]

回应 chmullig,为了得到一个水果的所有颜色的列表,你必须过滤键,即。

bananas = [fruit for fruit in fruits if'banana']


fruit_dict = dict()
fruit_dict['banana'] = [{'yellow': 24}]
fruit_dict['apple'] = [{'red': 12}, {'green': 14}]
print fruit_dict


{‘香蕉’: [{‘黄色’: 24}] ,‘苹果’: [{‘红色’: 12} ,{‘绿色’: 14}]}

编辑: 正如 eumiro 指出的,你可以使用字典:

fruit_dict = dict()
fruit_dict['banana'] = {'yellow': 24}
fruit_dict['apple'] = {'red': 12, 'green': 14}
print fruit_dict


{'banana': {'yellow': 24}, 'apple': {'green': 14, 'red': 12}}

在这种情况下,您可能不应该使用字典。一个功能更全面的库将是一个更好的选择。可能是个真正的数据库。最简单的是 斯克莱特。您可以通过传入字符串“ : memory:”而不是文件名来保存整个内存。

如果您确实希望沿着这条路径继续下去,可以使用键或值中的额外属性来完成。然而,字典不能成为另一个字典的关键,但元组可以。医生解释什么是允许的。它必须是一个不可变物件,包括只包含字符串和数字的字符串、数字和元组(以及更多只包含这些类型的递归元组... ...)。

您可以使用 d = {('apple', 'red') : 4}做第一个示例,但是很难查询您想要的内容。你需要这样做:

#find all apples
apples = [d[key] for key in d.keys() if key[0] == 'apple']

#find all red items
red = [d[key] for key in d.keys() if key[1] == 'red']

#the red apple
redapples = d[('apple', 'red')]


blue_fruit = sorted([k for k in data.keys() if k[1] == 'blue'])
for k in blue_fruit:
print k[0], data[k] # prints 'banana 24', etc


使用键作为相当成熟的对象,您只需通过 k.color == 'blue'进行过滤。

您不能真正使用 dicts 作为键,但是您可以创建一个最简单的类,比如 class Foo(object): pass,并在运行时向其添加任何属性:

k = Foo()
k.color = 'blue'

这些实例可以作为 dictkey,但是要注意它们的可变性!



class Fruit:
def __init__(self, name, color, quantity): = name
self.color = color
self.quantity = quantity

def __str__(self):
return "Name: %s, Color: %s, Quantity: %s" % \
(, self.color, self.quantity)


fruit1 = Fruit("apple", "red", 12)
fruit2 = Fruit("pear", "green", 22)
fruit3 = Fruit("banana", "yellow", 32)
fruits = [fruit3, fruit2, fruit1]

The simple list fruits will be much easier, less confusing, and better-maintained.



for fruit in fruits:
print fruit



Name: banana, Color: yellow, Quantity: 32
Name: pear, Color: green, Quantity: 22
Name: apple, Color: red, Quantity: 12


fruits.sort(key=lambda x:


Name: apple, Color: red, Quantity: 12
Name: banana, Color: yellow, Quantity: 32
Name: pear, Color: green, Quantity: 22


fruits.sort(key=lambda x: x.quantity)


Name: apple, Color: red, Quantity: 12
Name: pear, Color: green, Quantity: 22
Name: banana, Color: yellow, Quantity: 32

Where color = = red:

red_fruit = filter(lambda f: f.color == "red", fruits)


Name: apple, Color: red, Quantity: 12

数据库,字典字典,字典列表字典,命名元组(它是一个子类) ,sqlite,冗余..。 我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,还有呢?


“我的直觉是,数据库对于 OP 的需求来说有些过头了;”



from operator import itemgetter

li = [  ('banana',     'blue'   , 24) ,
('apple',      'green'  , 12) ,
('strawberry', 'blue'   , 16 ) ,
('banana',     'yellow' , 13) ,
('apple',      'gold'   , 3 ) ,
('pear',       'yellow' , 10) ,
('strawberry', 'orange' , 27) ,
('apple',      'blue'   , 21) ,
('apple',      'silver' , 0 ) ,
('strawberry', 'green'  , 4 ) ,
('banana',     'brown'  , 14) ,
('strawberry', 'yellow' , 31) ,
('apple',      'pink'   , 9 ) ,
('strawberry', 'gold'   , 0 ) ,
('pear',       'gold'   , 66) ,
('apple',      'yellow' , 9 ) ,
('pear',       'brown'  , 5 ) ,
('strawberry', 'pink'   , 8 ) ,
('apple',      'purple' , 7 ) ,
('pear',       'blue'   , 51) ,
('chesnut',    'yellow',  0 )   ]

print set( u[1] for u in li ),': all potential colors'
print set( c for f,c,n in li if n!=0),': all effective colors'
print [ c for f,c,n in li if f=='banana' ],': all potential colors of bananas'
print [ c for f,c,n in li if f=='banana' and n!=0],': all effective colors of bananas'

print set( u[0] for u in li ),': all potential fruits'
print set( f for f,c,n in li if n!=0),': all effective fruits'
print [ f for f,c,n in li if c=='yellow' ],': all potential fruits being yellow'
print [ f for f,c,n in li if c=='yellow' and n!=0],': all effective fruits being yellow'

print len(set( u[1] for u in li )),': number of all potential colors'
print len(set(c for f,c,n in li if n!=0)),': number of all effective colors'
print len( [c for f,c,n in li if f=='strawberry']),': number of potential colors of strawberry'
print len( [c for f,c,n in li if f=='strawberry' and n!=0]),': number of effective colors of strawberry'

# sorting li by name of fruit
print sorted(li),'  sorted li by name of fruit'

# sorting li by number
print sorted(li, key = itemgetter(2)),'  sorted li by number'

# sorting li first by name of color and secondly by name of fruit
print sorted(li, key = itemgetter(1,0)),'  sorted li first by name of color and secondly by name of fruit'


set(['blue', 'brown', 'gold', 'purple', 'yellow', 'pink', 'green', 'orange', 'silver']) : all potential colors
set(['blue', 'brown', 'gold', 'purple', 'yellow', 'pink', 'green', 'orange']) : all effective colors
['blue', 'yellow', 'brown'] : all potential colors of bananas
['blue', 'yellow', 'brown'] : all effective colors of bananas

set(['strawberry', 'chesnut', 'pear', 'banana', 'apple']) : all potential fruits
set(['strawberry', 'pear', 'banana', 'apple']) : all effective fruits
['banana', 'pear', 'strawberry', 'apple', 'chesnut'] : all potential fruits being yellow
['banana', 'pear', 'strawberry', 'apple'] : all effective fruits being yellow

9 : number of all potential colors
8 : number of all effective colors
6 : number of potential colors of strawberry
5 : number of effective colors of strawberry

[('apple', 'blue', 21), ('apple', 'gold', 3), ('apple', 'green', 12), ('apple', 'pink', 9), ('apple', 'purple', 7), ('apple', 'silver', 0), ('apple', 'yellow', 9), ('banana', 'blue', 24), ('banana', 'brown', 14), ('banana', 'yellow', 13), ('chesnut', 'yellow', 0), ('pear', 'blue', 51), ('pear', 'brown', 5), ('pear', 'gold', 66), ('pear', 'yellow', 10), ('strawberry', 'blue', 16), ('strawberry', 'gold', 0), ('strawberry', 'green', 4), ('strawberry', 'orange', 27), ('strawberry', 'pink', 8), ('strawberry', 'yellow', 31)]   sorted li by name of fruit

[('apple', 'silver', 0), ('strawberry', 'gold', 0), ('chesnut', 'yellow', 0), ('apple', 'gold', 3), ('strawberry', 'green', 4), ('pear', 'brown', 5), ('apple', 'purple', 7), ('strawberry', 'pink', 8), ('apple', 'pink', 9), ('apple', 'yellow', 9), ('pear', 'yellow', 10), ('apple', 'green', 12), ('banana', 'yellow', 13), ('banana', 'brown', 14), ('strawberry', 'blue', 16), ('apple', 'blue', 21), ('banana', 'blue', 24), ('strawberry', 'orange', 27), ('strawberry', 'yellow', 31), ('pear', 'blue', 51), ('pear', 'gold', 66)]   sorted li by number

[('apple', 'blue', 21), ('banana', 'blue', 24), ('pear', 'blue', 51), ('strawberry', 'blue', 16), ('banana', 'brown', 14), ('pear', 'brown', 5), ('apple', 'gold', 3), ('pear', 'gold', 66), ('strawberry', 'gold', 0), ('apple', 'green', 12), ('strawberry', 'green', 4), ('strawberry', 'orange', 27), ('apple', 'pink', 9), ('strawberry', 'pink', 8), ('apple', 'purple', 7), ('apple', 'silver', 0), ('apple', 'yellow', 9), ('banana', 'yellow', 13), ('chesnut', 'yellow', 0), ('pear', 'yellow', 10), ('strawberry', 'yellow', 31)]   sorted li first by name of color and secondly by name of fruit

这种类型的数据可以有效地从类似 Trie 的数据结构中提取。它还允许快速排序。不过,内存效率可能没有那么高。

传统的 trie 将单词的每个字母存储为树中的一个节点。但在你的情况下,你的“字母表”是不同的。您正在存储字符串而不是字符。

it might look something like this:

root:                Root
/ | \
/  |  \
fruit:       Banana Apple Strawberry
/ |      |     \
/  |      |      \
color:     Blue Yellow Green  Blue
/   |       |       \
/    |       |        \
end:      24   100      12        0

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