This is not possible if you are using the default MVC, which your code doesn't seem to follow. Your controller seems to be a model but maybe you just got a type there. Anyway, controllers and models are fundamentally separated in Rails MVC so controllers cannot know which model they are associated with.
For example you could have a model named post. This can have a controller posts_controller or could have a controller like articles_controller. Rails only knows about models when you def the actual code in the controller such as
def index
@posts = Post.all
@posts = Article.all
In rails standard controllers there is no way to know what the model is.
class HouseBuyersController < ApplicationController
def index
@model_name = controller_name.classify
This is often needed when abstracting controller actions:
class HouseBuyersController < ApplicationController
def index
# Equivalent of @house_buyers = HouseBuyer.find(:all)
objects = controller_name.classify.constantize.find(:all)
instance_variable_set("@#{controller_name}", objects)