
我正在使用许多 jQuery 插件,它们通常创建没有 id 或其他标识属性的 DOM 元素,在 Capybara (例如点击)中获得它们的唯一方法是首先获得它们的邻居(其祖先的另一个子代)。但我没有找到任何地方,水豚支持这样的东西,例如:

find('#some_button').parent.fill_in "Name:", :with => name

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There isn't a way to do this with capybara and CSS. I've used XPath in the past to accomplish this goal though, which does have a way to get the parent element and is supported by Capybara:

find(:xpath, '//*[@id="some_button"]/..').fill_in "Name:", :with => name

I really found jamuraa's answer helpful, but going for full xpath gave me a nightmare of a string in my case, so I happily made use of the ability to concatenate find's in Capybara, allowing me to mix css and xpath selection. Your example would then look like this:

find('#some_button').find(:xpath,".//..").fill_in "Name:", :with => name

Capybara 2.0 update: find(:xpath,".//..") will most likely result in an Ambiguous match error. In that case, use first(:xpath,".//..") instead.

I'm using a different approach by finding the parent element first using the text within this parent element:

find("<parent element>", text: "text within your #some_button").fill_in "Name:", with: name

Maybe this is useful in a similiar situation.

I found the following that does work:

find(:xpath, '..')

Capybara has been updated to support this.


If you stumbled across this trying to figure out how to find any parent (as in ancestor) node (as hinted at in @vrish88's comment on @Pascal Lindelauf's answer):

find('#some_button').find(:xpath, 'ancestor::div[@id="some_div_id"]')

I needed to find an ancestor with a css class, though it was indeterminate if it the target ancestor had one or more css classes present, so I didn't see a way to make a deterministic xpath query. I worked this up instead:

def find_ancestor_with_class(field, cssClass)
ancestor = field
loop do
ancestor = ancestor.find(:xpath, '..')
break if ancestor.nil?

break if ancestor.has_css? cssClass


Warning: use this sparingly, it could cost you a lot of time in tests so make sure the ancestor is just a few hops away.

This answer pertains to how to manipulate a sibling element which is what I believe the original question is alluding to

Your question hypothesis works with a minor tweak. If the dynamically generated field looks like this and does not have an id:


Your query would then be:

find('button', text: 'Test').find(:xpath, "..").find('input').set('whatever')

If the dynamically generated input does come attached with an id element (be careful with these though as in angular, they are wont to change based on adding and deleting elements) it would be something like this:

find('button', text: 'Test').find(:xpath, "..").fill_in('#input_1', with: 'whatever')

Hope that helps.

As mentioned in comment by @Tyler Rick Capybara in these days have methods[ ancestor(selector) and sibling(selector)