如何让 Pool.map 采用 lambda 函数


def copy_file(source_file, target_dir):

现在我想使用 multiprocessing立即执行这个函数:

p = Pool(12)
p.map(lambda x: copy_file(x,target_dir), file_list)

问题是,lambda 的不能被腌制,所以这失败了。什么是最简洁(pythonic)的方法来解决这个问题?

31357 次浏览

Use a function object:

class Copier(object):
def __init__(self, tgtdir):
self.target_dir = tgtdir
def __call__(self, src):
copy_file(src, self.target_dir)

To run your Pool.map:

p.map(Copier(target_dir), file_list)

For Python2.7+ or Python3, you could use functools.partial:

import functools
copier = functools.partial(copy_file, target_dir=target_dir)
p.map(copier, file_list)

Question is a bit old but if you are still use Python 2 my answer can be useful.

Trick is to use part of pathos project: multiprocess fork of multiprocessing. It get rid of annoying limitation of original multiprocess.

Installation: pip install multiprocess


>>> from multiprocess import Pool
>>> p = Pool(4)
>>> print p.map(lambda x: (lambda y:y**2)(x) + x, xrange(10))
[0, 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, 56, 72, 90]

From this answer, pathos let's you run your lambda p.map(lambda x: copy_file(x,target_dir), file_list) directly, saving all the workarounds / hacks

You can use starmap() to solve this problem with pooling.

Given that you have a list of files, say in your working directory, and you have a location you would like to copy those files to, then you can import os and use os.system() to run terminal commands in python. This will allow you to move the files over with ease.

However, before you start you will need to create a variable res = [(file, target_dir) for file in file_list] that will house each file with the target directory.

It will look like...

[('test1.pdf', '/home/mcurie/files/pdfs/'), ('test2.pdf', '/home/mcurie/files/pdfs/'), ('test3.pdf', '/home/mcurie/files/pdfs/'), ('test4.pdf', '/home/mcurie/files/pdfs/')]

Obviously, for this use case you can simplify this process by storing each file and target directory in one string to begin with, but that would reduce the insight of using this method.

The idea is that starmap() is going to take each component of res and place it into the function copy_file(source_file, target_dir) and execute them synchronously (this is limited by the core quantity of your cpu).

Therefore, the first operational thread will look like

copy_file('test1.pdf', '/home/mcurie/files/pdfs/')

I hope this helps. The full code is below.

from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
import os

file_list = ["test1.pdf", "test2.pdf", "test3.pdf", "test4.pdf"]
target_dir = "/home/mcurie/files/pdfs/"

def copy_file(source_file, target_dir):
os.system(f"cp {source_file} {target_dir + source_file}")

if __name__ == '__main__':
with Pool() as p:
res = [(file, target_dir) for file in file_list]
for results in p.starmap(copy_file, res):