You can't directly do it, because it has no name. But with a helper function like the Y-combinator Lemmy pointed to, you can create recursion by passing the function as a parameter to itself (as strange as that sounds):
# helper function
def recursive(f, *p, **kw):
return f(f, *p, **kw)
def fib(n):
# The rec parameter will be the lambda function itself
return recursive((lambda rec, n: rec(rec, n-1) + rec(rec, n-2) if n>1 else 1), n)
# using map since we already started to do black functional programming magic
print map(fib, range(10))
This prints the first ten Fibonacci numbers: [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55],
If you were truly masochistic, you might be able to do it using C extensions, but this exceeds the capability of a lambda (unnamed, anonymous) functon.
Well, not exactly pure lambda recursion, but it's applicable in places, where you can only use lambdas, e.g. reduce, map and list comprehensions, or other lambdas. The trick is to benefit from list comprehension and Python's name scope. The following example traverses the dictionary by the given chain of keys.
>>> data = {'John': {'age': 33}, 'Kate': {'age': 32}}
>>> [fn(data, ['John', 'age']) for fn in [lambda d, keys: None if d is None or type(d) is not dict or len(keys) < 1 or keys[0] not in d else (d[keys[0]] if len(keys) == 1 else fn(d[keys[0]], keys[1:]))]][0]
The lambda reuses its name defined in the list comprehension expression (fn). The example is rather complicated, but it shows the concept.
Z = lambda f : (lambda x : f(lambda v : x(x)(v)))(lambda x : f(lambda v : x(x)(v)))
fact = Z(lambda f : lambda n : 1 if n == 0 else n * f(n - 1))
Edited: 04/24/2022
For this we can use Fixed-point combinators, specifically Z combinator, because it will work in strict languages, also called eager languages:
const Z = f => (x => f(v => x(x)(v)))(x => f(v => x(x)(v)))
Define fact function and modify it:
1. const fact n = n === 0 ? 1 : n * fact(n - 1)
2. const fact = n => n === 0 ? 1 : n * fact(n - 1)
3. const _fact = (fact => n => n === 0 ? 1 : n * fact(n - 1))
Notice that:
fact === Z(_fact)
And use it:
const Z = f => (x => f(v => x(x)(v)))(x => f(v => x(x)(v)));
const _fact = f => n => n === 0 ? 1 : n * f(n - 1);
const fact = Z(_fact);
console.log(fact(5)); //120
I know this is an old thread, but it ranks high on some google search results :). With the arrival of python 3.8 you can use the walrus operator to implement a Y-combinator with less syntax!
fib = (lambda f: (rec := lambda args: f(rec, args)))\
(lambda f, n: n if n <= 1 else f(n-2) + f(n-1))