Warn whenever a variable is unused aside from its declaration, whenever a function is declared static but never defined, whenever a label is declared but not used, and whenever a statement computes a result that is explicitly not used.
This option is intended to warn when the compiler detects that at least a whole line of source code will never be executed, because some condition is never satisfied or because it is after a procedure that never returns.
// <Name>Potentially dead Methods</Name>
warnif count > 0
// Filter procedure for methods that should'nt be considered as dead
let canMethodBeConsideredAsDeadProc = new Func<IMethod, bool>(
m => !m.IsPublic && // Public methods might be used by client applications of your Projects.
!m.IsEntryPoint && // Main() method is not used by-design.
!m.IsClassConstructor &&
!m.IsVirtual && // Only check for non virtual method that are not seen as used in IL.
!(m.IsConstructor && // Don't take account of protected ctor that might be call by a derived ctors.
m.IsProtected) &&
// Get methods unused
let methodsUnused =
from m in JustMyCode.Methods where
m.NbMethodsCallingMe == 0 &&
select m
// Dead methods = methods used only by unused methods (recursive)
let deadMethodsMetric = methodsUnused.FillIterative(
methods => // Unique loop, just to let a chance to build the hashset.
from o in new[] { new object() }
// Use a hashet to make Intersect calls much faster!
let hashset = methods.ToHashSet()
from m in codeBase.Application.Methods.UsedByAny(methods).Except(methods)
where canMethodBeConsideredAsDeadProc(m) &&
// Select methods called only by methods already considered as dead
hashset.Intersect(m.MethodsCallingMe).Count() == m.NbMethodsCallingMe
select m)
from m in JustMyCode.Methods.Intersect(deadMethodsMetric.DefinitionDomain)
select new { m, m.MethodsCallingMe, depth = deadMethodsMetric[m] }