iPhone in-app purchase screen shot

When posting an in-app purchase with Apple they ask for a screenshot to be included before going to review.

What kind of screenshots do they want?

My in-app purchase unlocks some of the lite version, I'm not sure what Apple wants to see here.

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Quoted directly from Apple's In App Purchase Guidelines

For review purposes only. Your In App Purchase screenshot will not display on the App Store or on the iPhone device store. Once you have tested your In App Purchase and are ready to sign off, upload a screenshot of your In App Purchase in this section. The screenshot should be a clear picture of your In App Purchase in action and must be 320 x 480, 480 x 320, 320 x 460, or 480 x 300 pixels.



The correct size is now 640 x 920. The other sizes are no longer accepted.

This screenshot should show situation when in-app purchase will be activated, in your case it can be screen of application without 'lite version' restriction (or directly after purchase).

I have provided an image of the dialog I present to the user when I ask them to confirm the purchase...and it was accepted

I provided a screenshot of the Confirm Your In-App Purchase dialog that StoreKit presents when purchasing each product, and everything was approved by Apple the first time. I didn't show screenshots of how the app changed before & after the IAP, so it doesn't seem as though this is required.

Here's one of the screenshots I used:

Example screenshot for In App Purchase

The screenshot has now (February 9 2017) to be at least 640x920.

Go to the screen where you prompt the users for in-app purchase. Take screen shot and upload. It can be of real device or on simulator.

enter image description here

I uploaded this image with size 640 x 1136 and that success. Mybe you can try this ..

Screenshots requirements are outlined below:

A screenshot of the in-app purchase that represents the item being sold.

iOS requires at least 640 x 920 pixels. tvOS requires 1920 x1080 pixels. macOS requires 1280 x 800 pixels.

Here's more about it: https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/dev84b80958f

According to Apple:

Screenshots requirements are outlined below: iOS requires at least 640 x 920 pixels.

I'm working on this right now (end of July 2020) and only exact resolution of 640x920 uploads successfully. I tried higher resolutions and 640xH(H>920) without success.

Sorry to answer such an old question, but this aspect hasn't been addressed: I have always felt the "screen shot of your in-app purchase" language was vague. I've learned in creating 400+ IAPs that it doesn't matter what the screen shot is, as long as it is the right size. I have submitted 10+ IAPs at the same time with the same screen shot that is just a random screen shot of my app that has nothing to do with the IAPs at all, and all have been approved.

iOS 15 / Swift 5+ LATEST UPDATE

iOS requires at least 640 x 920 pixels.

tvOS requires 1920 x1080 pixels.

macOS requires 1280 x 800 pixels.

For More Details: Visit this Link

Just provide the screenshot of the dialogue . no matter is it from sandbox or production. Screenshot sample for you -

enter image description here