git revert --no-commit <commit hash>
git reset -p # every time choose 'y' if you want keep the change, otherwise choose 'n'
git commit -m "Revert ..."
git checkout -- . # Don't forget to use it.
# generate a revert commit
# note the hash printed to console on success
git revert --no-edit <hash to revert>
# undo that commit, but not its changes to the working tree
# (reset index to commit-before-last; that is, one graph entry up from HEAD)
git reset HEAD~1
# interactively add reversions
git add -p
# commit with pre-filled message
git commit -c <hash from revert commit, printed to console after first command>
# reset the rest of the current directory's working tree to match git
# this will reapply the excluded parts of the reversion to the working tree
# you may need to change the paths to be checked out
# be careful not to accidentally overwrite unsaved work
git checkout -- .