如何测试可执行文件是否存在于 Windows 批处理文件的% PATH% 中?

我正在寻找一种简单的方法来测试一个可执行文件是否存在于一个 Windows 批处理文件的 PATH 环境变量中。

不允许使用操作系统未提供的外部工具。所需的最小 Windows 版本是 WindowsXP。

65525 次浏览
for %%X in (myExecutable.exe) do (set FOUND=%%~$PATH:X)
if defined FOUND ...

If you need this for different extensions, just iterate over PATHEXT:

set FOUND=
for %%e in (%PATHEXT%) do (
for %%X in (myExecutable%%e) do (
if not defined FOUND (
set FOUND=%%~$PATH:X

Could be that where also exists already on legacy Windows versions, but I don't have access to one, so I cannot tell. On my machine the following also works:

where myExecutable

and returns with a non-zero exit code if it couldn't be found. In a batch you probably also want to redirect output to NUL, though.

Keep in mind

Parsing in batch (.bat) files and on the command line differs (because batch files have %0%9), so you have to double the % there. On the command line this isn't necessary, so for variables are just %X.

@echo off
set found=
set prog=cmd.exe
for %%i in (%path%) do if exist %%i\%prog% set found=%%i
echo "%found%"
if "%found%"=="" ....

Sometimes this simple solution works, where you check to see if the output matches what you expect. The first line runs the command and grabs the last line of standard output.

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in (' "xcopy /? 2> nul" ') do SET xcopyoutput=%%i
if "%xcopyoutput%"=="" echo xcopy not in path.

This can be accomplished via parameter substitution.


This returns the full path of the executable filename in %1, else an empty string.

This does not work with user-defined variables. So if the executable filename is not a parameter to your script, then you need a subroutine. For example:

call :s_which app.exe
if not "%_path%" == "" (

goto :eof

endlocal & set _path=%~$PATH:1
goto :eof

See http://ss64.com/nt/syntax-args.html

Here is a simple solution that attempts to run the application and handles any error afterwards.

file.exe /?  2> NUL
IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL%==9009 ECHO file.exe exists in path

Error code 9009 usually means file not found.

The only downside is that file.exe is actually executed if found (which in some cases is not desiderable).

Windows Vista and later versions ship with a program called where.exe that searches for programs in the path. It works like this:

D:\>where notepad

D:\>where where

For use in a batch file you can use the /q switch, which just sets ERRORLEVEL and doesn't produce any output.

where /q myapplication
ECHO The application is missing. Ensure it is installed and placed in your PATH.
) ELSE (
ECHO Application exists. Let's go!

Or a simple (but less readable) shorthand version that prints the message and exits your app:

where /q myapplication || ECHO Cound not find app. && EXIT /B

Use command : powershell Test-Path "exe which you looking for"

It will return True if its present, otherwise False.

For those looking for a PowerShell option. You can use the Get-Command cmdlet passing two items. First give the current dir location with .\ prefixed, then give just the exe name.

(Get-Command ".\notepad", "notepad" -ErrorAction Ignore -CommandType Application) -ne $null

That will return true if found local or in system wide paths.