如何从 IIS7删除 eTag 标头?

根据 雅虎高性能网站的最佳实践,我希望从我的头中移除 Etag (我手动管理所有的缓存,不需要 Etag... 当/如果我需要扩展到一个农场,我真的希望它们消失)。我在 WindowsServer2008上运行 IIS7。有人知道我怎么做到的吗?

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http://www.jesscoburn.com/archives/2008/10/02/quickly-configure-or-disable-etags-in-iis7-or-iis6/ has a nice pictorial guide.

Essentially, you create a custom response header named ETag and make its value empty.

Under IIS7 the Etag change number (the part of the Etag following : ) is always set to 0.

Hence the Etag from the server no longer varies from server to server for the same file and therefore the Yahoo best practice no longer really applies.

Since you can't actually suppress the ETag header on IIS7 it would probably be best that you don't fiddle with it at all. I've found by far the most useful configuration rule is "If the default doesn't break something, leave it alone".

We had this problem, and even setting a blank custom ETag header in IIS 7 was not working for all files (for example image files). We ended up creating an HttpModule that explicitly removes the ETag header.

In IIS 7 you shouldn't have to worry about etags anymore as the IIS configuration number is always set to 0.

There is still a problem if you have IIS6 & IIS7 webservers in the same farm. In this case you would have to manually set the IIS6 config number to 0 as described in this article.

Etags are actually very useful as you don't need to change the filename like stack overflow does (i.e. default.css?1234). If you change the default.css file it will change the etag and therefore subsequent requests will get the file from the server and not the cache.

You would think doing this in the web.config would work to disable ETags in IIS7. But sniffer trace confirms that ETag is sent down anyway.

<remove name="ETag" />

Using blank doesn't work, either. ETag is sent down anyway.

<add name="ETag" value="" />

Setting the ETag to blank quotes as other sites have suggested doesn't work.

<add name="ETag" value="&quot;&quot;" />

Causes even more ETag to be sent down:

ETag: "8ee1ce1acf18ca1:0",""

In conclusion, nothing I can try or think of works to kill ETag on IIS7, at least without writing custom modules, etc.

Check out this blog post on how to completely remove the Etag http header in iis6,iis7 and iis7.5


I realize this is an old question, but I came across it while searching for a solution. I think I found a reasonable answer which I posted for this question.

I wrote a custom http module to handle this. It's really not as bad as it sounds. Here's the code:

using System;
using System.Web;

namespace StrongNamespace.HttpModules
public class CustomHeaderModule : IHttpModule
public void Init(HttpApplication application)
application.PostReleaseRequestState += new EventHandler(application_PostReleaseRequestState);


public void Dispose()

void application_PostReleaseRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)

Here's the web.config changes you'll want:

<remove name="X-Powered-By"/>
<add name="CustomHeaderModule" type="StrongNamespace.HttpModules.CustomHeaderModule"/>

I think this will work .. I know remove and blank doesn't work.

<add name="ETag" value=" " />

I Used the removeetag.dll found on http://www.caspianit.co.uk/iis7-etag-problem/ and it worked perfectly.

hope it will work well for you too

UPDATE: added URL Rewrite Module requirement thanks to user @ChrisBarr

In iis 6 it's easy, you can add a custom header for 'ETag' = ""

In IIS 7, after reading this thread and figuring that it was impossible without using a custom http module, I found that you can simply install Microsoft's URL Rewrite module and add an outbound rewrite rule as follows:

<rule name="Remove ETag">
<match serverVariable="RESPONSE_ETag" pattern=".+" />
<action type="Rewrite" value="" />

This actually works, and you don't need a custom http module (dll). Unlocking the system.webServer configuration section and setting customHeaders, etc., does not work - at least in all the cases I tried. A simple outbound rewrite rule does.

By the way, when you use iis8 it's simple

<element name="clientCache">
<attribute name="cacheControlMode" type="enum" defaultValue="NoControl">
<enum name="NoControl" value="0" />
<enum name="DisableCache" value="1" />
<enum name="UseMaxAge" value="2" />
<enum name="UseExpires" value="3" />
<attribute name="cacheControlMaxAge" type="timeSpan" defaultValue="1.00:00:00" />
<attribute name="httpExpires" type="string" />
<attribute name="cacheControlCustom" type="string" />
<attribute name="setEtag" type="bool" defaultValue="true" />

IIS 8.0: To use or not to use ETag