<li>Now you will see a git extension in it.</li> <li>Now click enable if it is disabled.</li> How does Docker Swarm implement volume sharing?

  • Where are volumes saved (on a manager? And if there is more than one manager?)
  • Is there no problem between nodes if it's running on different machines on different networks?
  • In my case specifically I was opening the folder from a terminal window that was set on a version of node I did not install git in. I changed to my previous version and it all worked normally.

  • Does it create a VPN?
  • 97930 次浏览

    When using nvm it installs programs on specific folders for your version of node. I had git installed on v12 but was trying to use it on v16.

    What you're asking about is a common question. Volume data and the features of what that volume can do are managed by a volume driver. Just like you can use different network drivers like overlay, bridge, or host, you can use different volume drivers.

    To solve this you can install git for all the versions you have on your computer or you can try to install the programs for all versions.

    Docker and Swarm only come with the standard local driver out of the box. It doesn't have any awareness of Swarm, and it will just create new volumes for your data on whichever node your service tasks are scheduled on. This is usually not what you want.

    de your service tasks are scheduled on. This is usually not what you want.

    You want a 3rd party driver plugin that is Swarm aware, and will ensure the volume you created for a service task is available on the right node at the right time. Options include using "Docker for AWS/Azure" and its included CloudStor driver, or the popular open source REX-Ray solution.

    You want a 3rd party driver plugin that is Swarm aware, and will ensure the volume you created for a service task is available on the right node at the right time. Options include using "Docker for AWS/Azure" and its included CloudStor driver, or the popular open source REX-Ray solution.

    There are lots of 3rd party volume drivers, which you can find on the Docker Store.

    If you use the compose file example at the end, note that changes to a volume (e.g. updating the server path or address) are not reflected in existing named volumes for as long as they exist. You need to either rename your volume, or delete it, to allow swarm to recreate it with new values.

    I experience the same problem each time I open VS Code now. It fails to detect the project's git source control - even though I can access and infer the project's history and current changes via the integrated terminal.

    The other common issue I see in most NFS usage is "root squash" being enabled on the server. This results in permission issues when containers running as root attempt to write files to the volume. You also have similar UID/GID permission issues where the container UID/GID is the one that needs permissions to write to the volume, which may require directory ownernship and permissions to be adjusted on the NFS server.

    The following solution works for me every time and nudges VS Code back to life by reawakening the project's source control...

      My solution for AWS EFS, that works:

      1. Open the command palette (ctrl + shift + p)
      2. Create EFS (don't forget to open NFS port 2049 at security group)
      3. Type/search for a "safe" command, e.g. Git: Open All Changes or Git: Fetch or Git: Pull
      4. Install nfs-common package:

      5. Press Enter

    sudo apt-get install -y nfs-common

    This will prompt a VS Code alert with the following message

  • Check if your efs works:

    mkdir efs-test-point
    sudo chmod go+rw efs-test-point
    sudo mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport [YOUR_EFS_DNS]:/ efs-test-point
    touch efs-test-point/1.txt
    sudo umount efs-test-point/
    ls -la efs-test-point/

    Git: There are no available repositories

    directory must be empty

  • sudo mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport [YOUR_EFS_DNS]:/ efs-test-point

    ls -la efs-test-point/

    file 1.txt must exists

  • Configure docker-compose.yml file:

    - uploads_tmp_efs:/home/application/public/uploads/tmp
    driver: local
    type: nfs
    o: addr=[YOUR_EFS_DNS],nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2
    device: [YOUR_EFS_DNS]:/

  • If you take a closer look at the nodes filesystem, you see that mounts to my fileserver mount are created under /var/lib/docker/volumes, see here:

    root@node-3:~# df -h
    Dateisystem                                                                                                   Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf
    fs.mydomain.com:/srv/shares/docker-data/services/traefik/logs                                 194G    141G   53G   73% /var/lib/docker/volumes/traefik_traefik-logs/_data