Just create a ResourceProvider class that fetch resources using Application context. In your ViewModelFactory instantiate the resource provider using App context. You're Viewmodel is Context free and can be easily testable by mocking the ResourceProvider.
public class App extends Application {
private static Application sApplication;
public void onCreate() {
sApplication = this;
public static Application getApplication() {
return sApplication;
public class ResourcesProvider {
private Context mContext;
public ResourcesProvider(Context context){
mContext = context;
public String getString(){
return mContext.getString(R.string.some_string);
public class MyViewModel extends ViewModel {
private ResourcesProvider mResourcesProvider;
public MyViewModel(ResourcesProvider resourcesProvider){
mResourcesProvider = resourcesProvider;
public String doSomething (){
return mResourcesProvider.getString();
public class ViewModelFactory implements ViewModelProvider.Factory {
private static ViewModelFactory sFactory;
private ViewModelFactory() {
public static ViewModelFactory getInstance() {
if (sFactory == null) {
synchronized (ViewModelFactory.class) {
if (sFactory == null) {
sFactory = new ViewModelFactory();
return sFactory;
public <T extends ViewModel> T create(@NonNull Class<T> modelClass) {
if (modelClass.isAssignableFrom(MainActivityViewModel.class)) {
return (T) new MainActivityViewModel(
new ResourcesProvider(App.getApplication())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ViewModel class");
Ideally Data Binding should be used with which this problem can easily be solved by resolving the string inside the xml file. But implementing data binding in an existing project can be too much.
For a case like this I created the following class. It covers all cases of strings with or without arguments and it does NOT require for the viewModel to extend AndroidViewModel and this way also covers the event of Locale change.
class ViewModelString private constructor(private val string: String?,
@StringRes private val stringResId: Int = 0,
private val args: ArrayList<Any>?){
//simple string constructor
constructor(string: String): this(string, 0, null)
//convenience constructor for most common cases with one string or int var arg
constructor(@StringRes stringResId: Int, stringVar: String): this(null, stringResId, arrayListOf(stringVar))
constructor(@StringRes stringResId: Int, intVar: Int): this(null, stringResId, arrayListOf(intVar))
//constructor for multiple var args
constructor(@StringRes stringResId: Int, args: ArrayList<Any>): this(null, stringResId, args)
fun resolve(context: Context): String {
return when {
string != null -> string
args != null -> return context.getString(stringResId, *args.toArray())
else -> context.getString(stringResId)
for example we have this resource string with two arguments
<string name="resource_with_args">value 1: %d and value 2: %s </string>
Keep in mind that the * on *args.toArray() is not a typing mistake so do not remove it. It is syntax that denotes the array as Object...objects which is used by Android internaly instead of Objects[] objects which would cause a crash.
Resource string manipulation belongs the View layer, not ViewModel layer.
ViewModel layer should be free from dependencies to both Context and resources. Define a data type (a class or enum) that ViewModel will emit. DataBinding has access to both Context and resources and can resolve it there. Either via @BindingAdapter (if you want the clean look) or a plain static method (if you want flexibility and verbosity) that takes the enum and Context and returns String : android:text="@{MyStaticConverter.someEnumToString(viewModel.someEnum, context)}". (context is synthetic param in every binding expression)
But in most cases, String.format is enough to combine resource string format with data provided by ViewModel.
It may seem like "too much code in XML", but XML and bindings are the View layer. The only places for view logic, if you discard god-objects: Activities and Fragments.
For more complicated cases (like mixing resource labels with texts from API) instead of enum use sealed class that will carry the dynamic String from ViewModel to the converter that will do the combining.
For simplest cases, like above, there is no need to invoke Context explicitly at all. The built-in adapter already interprets binding int to text as string resource id. The tiny inconvenience is that when invoked with null the converter still must return a valid ID, so you need to define some kind of placeholder like <string name="empty" translatable="false"/>.
fun someEnumToString(type: MyEnum?): Int {
return when (type) {
MyEnum.EENY -> R.string.some_label_eeny
MyEnum.MEENY -> R.string.some_label_meeny
MyEnum.MINY -> R.string.some_label_miny
MyEnum.MOE -> R.string.some_label_moe
null -> R.string.empty
Quick-and-dirty hack would be to emit a @StringRes Int directly, but that makes ViewModel dependent on resources.
"Converters" (a collection of unrelated, static and stateless functions) is a pattern that I use a lot. It allows to keep all the Android's View-related types away from ViewModel and reuse of small, repetitive parts across entire app (like converting bool or various states to VISIBILITY or formatting numbers, dates, distances, percentages, etc). That removes the need of many overlapping @BindingAdapters and IMHO increases readability of the XML-code.
If you are using Dagger Hilt then @ApplicationContext context: Context in your viewModel constructor will work. Hilt can automatically inject application context with this annotation. If you are using dagger then you should provide context through module class and then inject in viewModel constructor. Finally using that context you can access the string resources. like context.getString(R.strings.name)