import {MatPaginatorIntl} from '@angular/material/paginator';
// This is the word that shows up in the range label
let paginPerRng = '';
const i18nRangeLabel = (page: number, pageSize: number, length: number) => {
if (length == 0 || pageSize == 0) {
return `0 ${paginPerRng} ${length}`;
length = Math.max(length, 0);
const startIndex = page * pageSize;
// If the start index exceeds the list length, do not try and fix the end index to the end.
const endIndex = startIndex < length ?
Math.min(startIndex + pageSize, length) :
startIndex + pageSize;
return `${startIndex + 1} - ${endIndex} ${paginPerRng} ${length}`;
export function getPaginatorI18n(YourCustomService: customService) {
const paginatorIntl = new MatPaginatorIntl();
// Call the localization methods in your service
paginatorIntl.itemsPerPageLabel = customService.getResource(...);
paginatorIntl.nextPageLabel = customService.getResource(...);
paginatorIntl.previousPageLabel = customService.getResource(...);
paginatorIntl.firstPageLabel = customService.getResource(...);
paginatorIntl.lastPageLabel = customService.getResource(...);
// We localize the word that shows up in the range label before calling the RangeLabel constant
paginPerRng = customService.getResource(...);
paginatorIntl.getRangeLabel = i18nRangeLabel;
return paginatorIntl;