
我正在使用 创建-反应-应用程序和主机在其默认端口 Localhost: 3000,并希望从同一网络上的另一个设备访问这一点。

我得到了我的主机的 IP (使用 Ifconfig)的 IP,并试图打开 < em > ,但没有工作。


119111 次浏览

Can you please turn off your firewall and check


Simply run HOST= npm run start.
Afterwards open the url from another device on the network.

In your case, would work.

Documentation for setting HOST environment variables.

As I can't post comment, In complementary to Elad if you have react-scripts start instead of npm run start

HOST= react-scripts start

Works too !

In my case, npm run start used my Ethernet adapter's IP e.g. but as I was accessing the site using WLAN, I needed to use WLAN IP which was

Make sure to use WLAN IP with the same port to make it work.

If you are on windows and the above solutions don't work, it is most probably a firewall issue. You can try looking in Allowed Applications in Control Panel, to check if node is allowed on private networks. Or looking in the Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security and checking the Monitoring\Firewall tab and check for Node.js.

My react-scripts:3.4.1 is working,


"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start"

to ( is not work )

"scripts": {
"start": "HOST= react-scripts start"

If you are on Ubuntu, simply run

$> sudo ufw allow 3000

Then access your app using your internal ip from local network. to get your local IP run:

$> ifconfig

if you have two machines (lets say pc1 and pc2) and both are connected over the same wifi connection, then:

  • bind your create-react-app development server to your Wireless LAN adapter wi-fi IPv4 address (on windows type the command ipconfig.exe and unix-like systems type ifconfig).. you will find the ip address under something:
  • Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi (on windows)
  • wlp5s0 inet Ip_Address
  • in your sheel where you develop react run HOST=your_IP npm run start

now, your development machin will be the server that serves the ui over it's IP_Address

After running npm start go to your terminal "bash, cmd ..etc" and run ipconfig

IPv4-Adresse ..... : for example 111.222.333.444

open browser in your second device and type : 111.222.333.444:portNumber

Sometimes there is another problem for Windows users.

Windows Firewall blocks NodeJs.

Just go to Windows Defender Firewall and click to Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall and allow Node.js

In my case, Windows Firewall blocked port 3000. So adding an Inbound Rule to open port 3000 did the trick.

Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security > Inbound Rules > New Rule...

I am using ubuntu 20.04 and both my android and laptop was connected to same wifi network.

Step 1: in package.json set --host= for server key.


"scripts": {
"go": "open http://localhost:3000; npm run server",
"e2e": "nightwatch --config nightwatch.js",
"run-e2e": "concurrently -s first -k \"npm start\" \"sleep 15; npm run e2e\"",
"test": "./node_modules/.bin/concurrently -k 'npm run server' 'npm run e2e'",
"start": "npm run server",
"server": "live-server public --host= --port=3000 --middleware=./disable-browser-cache.js"


Step 2: Add rule for port 3000 in ubuntu firewall.

sudo ufw allow 3000

Step 3: Now I can access same react app on

  • http://localhost:3000/ # desktop
  • # desktop
  • http://192.168.X.X:3000/ # from android and desktop both (replace with your internal IP)

If you are using windows then

  1. run this echo ((ipconfig | findstr [0-9].\.)[0]).Split()[-1] on your powershell or directly on the vscode terminal.
  2. then do npm start and access your react-app using the ip shown by the above step ( yourIp:port , e.g.

Step:1 - In webpack.config.js change host to "host: ''", Step:2 - npm run start, Step:3 - run ipconfig and replace your ipv4 with http://192.168.X.X:3000,

In case it won't work add allow Nodejs in firewall and add Inbound rule with port 3000

I had the same problem and when I disabled the private firewall it worked for me.

enter image description here

or if you want to enable private firewall you need to go here:

Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Defender Firewall\Allowed applications

enter image description here

and enable "change settings" than check private checkbox in Node.js row

enter image description here

If you are facing

HOST= : The term 'HOST=' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet

If I run (without using the npm wrapper script)

HOST= PORT=8000 ./node_modules/.bin/react-scripts start

To fix it, go to package.json and changed the "start" script to

"start": "./node_modules/.bin/react-scripts start",

then add this line of code.

"server": "live-server public --host= --port=3000 --middleware=./disable-browser-cache.js",

Then npm start works fine.

more details link

if you are using an azure VM make sure you add an inbound rule to allow traffic for port 3000 you can do this by

  1. go to your deployed VM
  2. go to networking
  3. and add an Allow inbound rule for port 3000

As someone else already mentioned, it's possible that React is just giving you the wrong IP address. In my case, React was pulling from one of my VMWare ethernet adapters. To open the right one, type ipconfig in Command Prompt and use the IPv4 Address listed under "Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi" or your actual ethernet adapter.

at the end of 2021 was doing several react projects via tutorials at that time when i started apps, it was showing 2 links with localhost and ip address link and 2nd link was for devices it the same network. and now (18 may 2022) when i wanted to make react app independently, when i am starting my react app its giving link with localhost. in my case (windows 11) try http://yourComputerIp:portNumber

to get ip on windows type ipconfig in cmd and your ip address will be under name IPv4 Address