
当脱机工作时,用于 Windows 的 独立邮递员客户端在哪里保存集合?

为了澄清,我想找到当在线同步被禁用时,Postman 默认将收集文件保存到哪里。我是 没有尝试 将我的集合导出为 JSON 文件

我在 %LocalAppData%,我的文档和程序文件,但我没有看到邮递员保存其收集数据。

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Postman is using Chromium offline storage capabilities because at the end it's a SPA running inside Chromium (Electron technology).

From Postman's top menubar:

  • Select View → Show Dev Tools
  • Select the Application tab
  • In the sidebar, open Storage → IndexedDB → postman - file:// → collection_requests

It looks like Postman uses LevelDB. On Windows, I found my Postman DB located at:


ps: %HOMEPATH% is path for C:\Users\xxxx\

also worth mentioning: %APPDATA% is a shortcut for C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\

According to Piere F, macOS users can find it under:

~/Library/Application Support/Postman/IndexedDB

ps: Note ~ is path for /Users/userAccount/

According to David, Ubuntu users can find it under:


For the version Postman from Google Chrome extension, you need copy all files from path:

"%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Storage\ext\fhbjgbiflinjbdggehcddcbncdddomop\def\IndexedDB\chrome-extension_..."

The files inside path above contains all history and collections from Postman

Alternatively, if you just want to look at the collection, you can export it into json format from the collection menu.

Linux Chrome or Chromium Postman extension storage path Location



Win10: You have to back up your old Postman C:\Users%user%\AppData\Roaming\Postman\IndexedDB Then copy it to the same location of the new Postman installation.

This will recover all your collections.

On Mac: The json files were automatically backed up (/Users//Library/Application Support/Postman/backup-YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ.json) but it is not documented anywhere. You just have to reimport them

In Debian-like systems, using Postman v7, I found a backup of all the collections and environments saved as JSON in ~/.config/Postman with the prefix backup-.



Also, found a recent support article in Postman documentation: How to recover my data

This support documentation helped me recover my collections after the postman application stopped working.


If you weren't logged in to the app and using it offline or in the Scratch Pad mode then your data won't get synced to our servers and stays local to your instance. In this case, try following the steps below:

Look for the backup files under the following folder: %appdata%\Postman\​for Windows ~/Library/Application Support/Postman​for macOS ~/.config/Postman​ for Linux

Backup file names will be similar to backup-2020-02-26T23-13-43.082Z.json (date or time will be different for you).

Windows 10, I copy these folder to another and worked.

C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\IndexedDB\chrome-extension_coohjcphdfgbiolnekdpbcijmhambjff_0.indexeddb.leveldb

In windows, postman v9.6.2 I was able to restore collections by pasting the IndexedDB folder in the following path:


If you are using a snapped Postman on Linux, let me save you some time. Copy all the content from your source snapped Postman UNDER (as the target GUID can be different)

/home/username/snap/postman/<id>/.config/Postman/Partitions/<standalone GUID>

to your target snapped Postman UNDER

/home/username/snap/postman/<a different id>/.config/Postman/Partitions/<a different standalone GUID>

Make sure you respect the target postman id and partition GUID.