IOS 开发: 如何在设备上引入低内存警告?

我想在低内存条件下测试我的应用程序功能,但很难测试。当应用程序在设备上而不是模拟器上运行时,我如何在视图中引入触发 did ReceiveMemory 方法的低内存警告?或者,在这些可能的条件下,我有什么方法可以测试我的应用程序?


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Theres a menu command that will invoke it.

Hardware > Simulate Memory Warning from the simulator.

The iOS Simulator's Simulate Memory Warning menu item allows you to simulate a memory warning.

enter image description here

To test on a device, just add some code that periodically allocates large chunks of memory without freeing it (i.e. leak on purpose). You can do this in a separate thread, or in response to a timer, or using whatever mechanism that best allows you to test and observe the behavior of your application.

You might also choose to create a separate app that does something similar and is designed to run in the background, if you'd like to easily reuse this and/or test with multiple applications.

You can call the private method:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] performSelector:@selector(_performMemoryWarning)];

Just remember to use it on debug only, or else your app will get rejected.

Using Instruments, use the menu item: Instrument -> Simulate Memory Warning.

To use Instruments on your app from Xcode, use the Product -> Profile menu item.

I've re-written Enzo Tran's answer in Swift:

UIControl().sendAction(Selector(("_performMemoryWarning")), to: UIApplication.shared, for: nil)

Converted @ChikabuZ to swift 3:

UIControl().sendAction(Selector(("_performMemoryWarning")), to: UIApplication.shared, for: nil)

If someone, for whatever reason, tries to do this in Swift 3 - here is how to allocate 1.2 GB of ram.

   for i in 0...1200 {
var p: [UnsafeMutableRawPointer] = []
var allocatedMB = 0
memset(p[allocatedMB], 0, 1048576);
allocatedMB += 1;

Swift 4:


Can execute the above in response to an event/notification. For example:

    Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "memorychip")

If someone, for whatever reason, tries to do this in Swift 4 - here is how to allocate 1.2 GB of ram.

let d = Data.init(repeating: 100, count: 1200000000)
  • This is helpful to trigger a warning alert in other apps