可访问性: SVG 和 MathML 的推荐替代文本约定?


使用 HTML 文档的 HTML5现在允许<svg><math>标记,不依赖于外部名称空间(不错的概述 给你)。两者都有自己的 alt属性类似物(见下文) ,这是有效地忽略了今天的屏幕阅读软件。因此,盲用户无法访问这些元素。



关于 SVG: SVG 的备用文本可以被认为是根 titledesc标记的内容。

<title>An image title</title>
<desc>This is the longer image description</desc>

我发现 屏幕阅读器读取它这样,但这是标准的吗?插入 SVG 的 以前的方法也存在可访问性问题,因为屏幕阅读器对 <object>标签的处理不一致。

关于 MathML: MathML 的备用文本应该存储在 alttext属性中。

<math alttext="A squared plus B squared equals C squared">

由于屏幕阅读器似乎不承认这一点,数学呈现库 MathJax在运行时将文本插入到 aria-label属性中。

<span aria-label="[alttext contents]">...</span>

不幸的是,NVDA、 JAWS 和其他机构也不能可靠地阅读这些标签

关于这两点: 在很大程度上不受支持的 ARIA 属性方面缺乏成功,我尝试使用 title属性。这些在这些“外部”HTML 元素上似乎也被忽略了。


不仅仅是简单的修改,我还在寻找 推荐的方法来在这些新的 HTML 元素上放置替代文本。也许我忽略了一个 W3C 规范?还是说现在还为时过早?

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In general, HTML5 tries to discourage authors from providing content that's hidden from sighted users, because (a) it often contains new information that would be of use to sighted users, (b) it's frequently poorly written because there's little feedback to the (normally) sighted author, and (c) it is not maintained as carefully and therefore can go stale quickly.

So, instead of hiding the information in an attribute, consider placing it normally on the page as a caption in a <p> tag adjacent to the svg or math section, or put the text in a <figcaption> tag and put that and the svg/math section in a <figure> element.

If you really don't want sighted users to see the information, I believe that the standard technique is to absolutely position the caption with a large negative "left" value, at least until such time as screen readers catch up with HTML5.

In theory an svg image should be more accessible than a raster image with an alt-tag. For one thing text can be kept as text in an svg, whole fragments of text not just a short sentence. It's sad if screenreaders ignore that extra information. However not all text content may be visible at any given time, same as for html. Many svg images are static images, but a growing trend (based on actual use on the open web) seems to be to use more dynamic svgs, e.g for displaying graphs or diagrams that can be edited, or folded out.

Another thing to be aware of is that <title> elements will be shown as tooltips (for sighted users) in all svg-capable browsers AFAIK (at least the latest generation), and that you can put them inside other svg elements too (the title applies to the element to which it is a direct child).

After some digging, I found some somewhat official recommendations. Unfortunately, most are not functional at this point in time. Both the browsers and the screen readers have a lot of to implement before Math and SVG can be considered accessible, but things are starting to look up.

Disclaimer: the below recommendations are what I have gleaned over the past few months of coding. If something is dead wrong, please let me know. I will try to keep this up to date as browsers and AT software progresses.



Use role="math" along with an aria-label on a surrounding div tag (see docs). The addition of tabindex="0" allows screen readers to focus specifically on this element; this element's aria-label can be spoken using a special key shortcut (such as NVDA+Tab).

<div role="math" tabindex="0" aria-label="[spoken equivalent]">
<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">


  • Sketchy screen reader support on aria-label (and less importantly role="math").
    Update: Relevant NVDA tickets regarding aria-label here and here.
  • Wrapping in div or span tag seems unnecessary since math is a first-class element in HTML5.
  • I found very little referencing the MathML alttext tag.
    Update: this appears to be a DAISY-specific addition, described here.




Use top-level <title> and <desc> tags together with role="img" and aria-label on the root SVG tag.

<svg role="img" aria-label="[title + description]">
<desc>[long description]</desc>


  • As of February 2011, IE 9 beta reads all <title> and <desc> tags, which is probably undesirable. However, NVDA, JAWS, and WindowEyes will read the aria-label when the element also contains role="img".
  • If loading an SVG file (that is, not inline in HTML), the root-level <title> tag will become the browser page's title, which will be read by the screen reader.


Haven't tested this, but you could try adding alt="whatever" to a container DIV. Yes, it's not a valid attribute for DIV, but I can see older screen readers not caring where alt appears.

For example:

<div aria-label="Whatever" alt="Whatever" role="math">

Obviously, this is under the assumption that screen readers will read alt attributes (incorrectly) on elements other than IMG. Haven't tested, but it's better than waiting for screen readers to catch up if it works.

Regarding SVG, similar but not identical to the above suggestions, it seems the best current approach may be to use aria-labelledby referring to the id of the element that contains the 'alt text' (not the alt text itself).

<svg aria-labelledby="svg1title">
<title id="svg1title">A wide rectangle</title>
<rect width="70" height="10" fill="black" />

You can also use both the title and desc elements by setting aria-labelledby="svg1title svg1desc".

Source: http://www.sitepoint.com/tips-accessible-svg/

Annoyingly, if you do this you will need to (somehow) ensure that the IDs are unique within the entire page (in other words if you use lots of SVGs they all need to have different IDs for the title). This also applies to other IDs within the SVG and is a general severe annoyance with inline SVG.

(If this is severely problematic, you might want to look into embedding SVGs using the img tag - you can still do this 'inline' without an external file if you use a data URL and base64-encode the SVG.)

All of the answers here are very old; here's an update, based on a CSS Tricks article from 2016, which is unfortunately about as new as I could find from an authoritative source. Please note that this is a brief summary assuming a familiarity with accessability and no need to target older browsers. See the article for a fuller discussion.

For svg's included with an <img> tag

  • Add an alt value to the <img> tag.
<img src="https://some/domain/some.svg" alt="description of image here">

Note that if the image is purely decorative, you should include alt but leave it blank - alt="".

For inline <svg>'s

  • Add a <title> element; this will be included as a visual tooltip, and available to the Accessability API.
  • On the <svg> tag, add role="img".
<svg role="img">
<title>Descriptive Title Here</title>
<use xlink:href="#some-icon"></use>

For decorative inline <svg>'s

  • Include an aria-hidden="true" on the <svg> tag.
<svg aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#some-icon"></use>

Andrew's answer is good. Additionally, if you're using react-icons you can just add the attributes to the icon and the title tag or hidden attribute will be added. Eg:

import { FiX } from 'react-icons/fi'

<FiX title='Close' />

<FiX aria-hidden='true' />