未定义的 Javascript ES6扩展运算符



console.log(...undefined)   // Error
console.log([...undefined]) // Error
console.log({...undefined}) // Work


对于这种行为,我感到很惊讶,真的应该是这样吗? 我可以信赖这个吗? 这是一个好的练习吗?

72049 次浏览

This behavior is useful for doing something like optional spreading:

function foo(options) {
const bar = {
baz: 1,
...(options && options.bar) // options and bar can be undefined

And it gets even better with optional chaining, which is in Stage 4 now (and already available in TypeScript 3.7+):

function foo(options) {
const bar = {
baz: 1,
...options?.bar //options and bar can be undefined

a thought: its too bad it doesn't also work for spreading into an array