Google()和 maven 之间的区别{ url’’}

在 build.gradle 文件中,google ()和 maven { url‘’}之间有什么区别吗? 如果有,是什么?

allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
// OR
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The google() repository is a shortcut to Google's maven repository. It was introduced in Gradle 4.x+. The actual repository URL used is `"" as specified here. actually points to the same repository.

However, if you are planning to use the google() shortcut, you need Gradle 4.x+, Android Studio 3.x+ and Gradle plugin for Android 3.x+.

Small correction to the answer above. If you try to go to it gives you a 404. The correct url to google maven repository is: or just

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When using gradle, you can mention multiple repositories which the build tool (gradle) uses to resolve dependencies mentioned in your project.

repositories {
maven { url '' }

In the above scenario, you're mentioning 3 repositories which gradle can use to resolve dependencies—all of which are Maven repositories.

1. jcenter()

  • Means the JCenter Maven repository.
  • This is a shortcut available in later versions of gradle

2. { url '' }

  • This means you are referring a Maven repo hosted at the URL which can be used by gradle to resolve the dependencies.
  • If you want, you can actually enter the URL for JCenter and this would be the same as mentioning jcenter() in the gradle file.

3. google()

  • This means the Google Maven repository
  • Similar to the notation maven(), this can be used in later versions of gradle only