“ git format-patch”和“ git diff”有什么区别?

我看不出‘ git format-patch’和‘ git diff’的输出有什么区别,有吗?我是否可以使用‘ git diff’生成一个补丁,然后使用 git application 应用它?

我的问题是我在索引中添加了更改,但是很明显 git format-patch 只接受提交,所以如果我可以使用 diff 的输出,那么我可以使用这个命令为索引中的更改生成一个补丁:

git diff --cached > index.patch
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A patch created with git format-patch will also include some meta-information about the commit (committer, date, commit message, ...) and will contains diff of binary data. Everything will be formatted as a mail, so that it can be easily sent. The person that receive it can then recreate the corresponding commit with git am and all meta-data will be intact. It can also be applied with git apply as it is a super-set of a simple diff.

A patch crated with git diff will be a simple diff with context (think diff -u). It can also be applied with git apply but the meta-data will not be recreated (as they are not present).

In summary, git format-patch is useful to transmit a commit, while git diff is useful to get a diff between two trees.

From the manuals git-format-patch prepares patches suitable for email submission, while git-diff shows changes.

They are two different things and have different purposes, they just happen to output a patch format. But git-format-patch adds data about a commit (date, author, commit message) and bundles it up into a format that is suitable for sending as a Unix mail message (although these are just files, so they can be sent to other methods and still applied by git-am).

Also git-format-patch generates a patch file for each commit in the range that you specify. These changes will be added as commits to your repository with git-am.

git-diff just shows the diff between the two states you ask for, and can be used to create a patch file. But this is just a normal patch file and applying the patch will just change the state of the working directory.

And yes, you can create a patch for your index that way.

The patch file can be generated with the git diff command, but comparing with the patch generated by the git format-patch command, the major differences are:

  1. No metadata about a commit (such as date, author, commit message, etc.) ;
  2. No statistics about the diff (diffstat, such as x files changed, y insertions(+), z deletions(-));
  3. No binary diffs, only textual diffs.

enter image description here

To generate the patch file for all changed files (in the index or the working directory):

git diff HEAD --binary > my.patch
# git diff + git diff --cached/staged == git diff HEAD

To apply the generated patch file:

# restore the changed files firstly
git restore --staged .
git restore .

# apply the patch to redo the changes
git apply my.patch
# or
patch -p1 < my.patch