

<my-comp myDirective></my-comp>

有没有什么方法可以访问组件实例 从指令

更具体地说,我希望能够从 MyDirective访问 MyComponent的属性和方法,最好是 而不需要向上面的 HTML 中添加任何内容

49735 次浏览

You can just inject it

class MyDirective {
constructor(private host:MyComponent) {}

A severe limitation is, that you need to know the type of the component in advance.

See also https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/8277
It also provides some workarounds for when you don't know the type in advance.

Your directive could be the generic one that can be applied to any of your components. So, in that case, injecting the component in constructor would not be possible, So here is one other way to do the same

Inject the ViewContainerRef in constructor

constructor(private _viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef) { }

and then get it using

let hostComponent = this._viewContainerRef["_data"].componentView.component;

This is taken from the github issue and works like a charm. The downside is needing to know the components beforehand, but in your case you would need to know the methods you're using anyway.

import { Host, Self, Optional } from '@angular/core';

export class ExampleDirective {
@Host() @Self() @Optional() public hostCheckboxComponent : MdlCheckboxComponent,
@Host() @Self() @Optional() public hostSliderComponent   : MdlSliderComponent
) {
if(this.hostCheckboxComponent) {
console.log("host is a checkbox");
} else if(this.hostSliderComponent) {
console.log("host is a slider");

Credit: https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/8277#issuecomment-323678013

constructor(private vcRef: ViewContainerRef){
let parentComponent=(<any>this.vcRef)._view.context;

If you want to use the attribute directive on your custom components you could have those components extend from an abstract class and 'forwardRef' the abstract class type to your component type. This way you can make angular's DI select on the abstract class (within your directive).

Abstract class:

export abstract class MyReference {
// can be empty if you only want to use it as a reference for DI

Custom Component:

// ...
providers: [
{provide: MyReference, useExisting: forwardRef(() => MyCustomComponent)}
export class MyCustomComponent extends MyReference implements OnInit {
// ...


selector: '[appMyDirective]'
export class CustomDirective{

constructor(private host:MyReference) {
// no accessing private properties of viewContainerRef to see here... :-)


This way you can use the directive on any component that extends your abstract class.

This will of course only work on your own components.

I do like this, it works on Angular 9 & 11.

nativeElement is a DOM object, I can dynamicly set current Component's

  1. instance to a custom __component field on nativeElement;

  2. access nativeElement.__component in Directve;

    export class FromItemComponentBase { constructor(private hostElement: ElementRef) { hostElement.nativeElement.__component=this; } }

selector: 'input-error',
templateUrl: 'component.html'
export class FromItemErrorComponent extends FromItemComponentBase {
constructor(private hostElement: ElementRef) {

selector: 'input-password',
templateUrl: 'component.html'
export class FromItemPasswordComponent extends FromItemComponentBase {
constructor(private hostElement: ElementRef) {

@Directive({selector: 'input-error,input-password,input-text'})
export class FormInputDirective {

constructor(private hostElement: ElementRef) {

You can access the host component using ViewContainerRef.

constructor(private el: ViewContainerRef) {}

ngOnInit() {
const _component = this.el && this.el.injector && this.el.injector.get(MyComponent);

Reference: https://angular.io/api/core/ViewContainerRef

A possible workaround to make the directive generic is to pass the template ref of component as @Input to the directive. This adds a little bit of extra html but it worked better than many other hacks I tried.

@Directive({selector: '[myDirective]'})
export class MyDirective implements OnInit {
@Input() componentRef: any;
@Input() propName: string;

if (this.componentRef != null) {
// Access component properties

Usage in view:

<!-- Pass component ref and the property name from component as inputs -->
<app-component #appComponentRef myDirective [componentRef]="appComponentRef" [propName]="'somePropInComponent'" .... >

Also works with other directives. Use exportAs property of the @Directive decorator to get reference to the directive instance.

<form #myForm="ngForm" myDirective [componentRef]="myForm" [propName]="'ngSubmit'" ....>

NOTE: this is hacky and will likely not work in future versions of Angular. In Angular 10, I was able to access the host component like this:

Similarly to @Sunil Garg 's solution, inject the ViewContainerRef in the ctor of the directive:

constructor(_viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef)

Get the host component like this:

let hostComponent = (<any>_viewContainerRef)._lContainer[0][8];

Having viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef in constructor and having following code (this.viewContainerRef as any)._hostLView[8] works perfectly. But it looks hacky, so better to pass the component reference as Input parameter to the directive, as described below.

<my-comp myDirective [hostComponent]="hostComponent"></my-comp>

In myCompComponent.ts,

hostComponent = this;

In myDirective.ts,

@Input() hostComponent: Component;

I tried two solutions from here:
Michiel Windey's one (using an abstract class as interface for the components where the directive will be used), and Anthony's one (using @Host() @Self() @Optional()).
Both work with Angular 11.
Both are non hacky and are probably future-proof, unlike the hacky solutions using undocumented private fields…

The second one has the advantage to access the existing components without changing them. But you probably need to have lot of checks and special cases to handle, depending on which component is really injected.

The first one has the inconvenience to require the components to be modified, but you can define in the interface (abstract class) all the fields and methods you are going to use in the directive, and thus you can access them with a single parameter, without needing to check what kind of component is injected.

So your choice really depend on your use case.

For Angular 12, this comment pointed me in the right direction for a dirty solution. I know this is not a good way of solving this in principle, but my use case required being able to access the component instance without knowing what it was at write-time, due to separation of concerns across multiple modules.


class MyDirective {
constructor(private vcRef: ViewContainerRef) {}

private getHostComponent(): any {
return this.vcRef._lContainer[0][8];

You can access the ViewContainerRef's _lContainer property, which represents the state associated with the container. This LContainer has an entry at index 0 (internally the HOST constant) which is an LView if the container is on a component node.

The LView, in turn, has an entry at position 8 (internally the CONTEXT constant) which is a reference to the component instance if the component this is attached to is a non-root component element (e.g. <app-*). This means you can access the host context component by accessing lContainer[HOST][CONTEXT].

Long answer to copy-paste with explanations:

class MyDirective {
constructor(private vcRef: ViewContainerRef) {}

private getHostElementFromViewContainerRef(): unknown | null {
// TL;DR of the below method:
// return this.vcRef._lContainer[0][8];
// Inspired by https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46014761/how-to-access-host-component-from-directive#comment119646192_48563965

const vcRef = this.vcRef as any; // We're accessing private properties so we cast to any to avoid awkward TS validation issues

// We fetch the component associated with the element this directive is attached to by navigating via the ViewContainerRef.
// The VCRef contains a reference to the LContainer, which represents the state associated with the container:
// https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/12.2.x/packages/core/src/render3/interfaces/container.ts#L65
const lContainer = vcRef._lContainer;

if (!lContainer) {
return null;

// LView has all its elements defined as array elements, with keys hardcoded to numeric constants:
// https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/12.2.x/packages/core/src/render3/interfaces/view.ts#L26-L57
// We care about two of them:
const HOST = 0; // https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/12.2.x/packages/core/src/render3/interfaces/view.ts#L29
const CONTEXT = 8; // https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/12.2.x/packages/core/src/render3/interfaces/view.ts#L37

// LContainer is an array, with the element at the HOST position being an LView if the container is on a Component Node.
// This means that this may not work if this directive is declared on a native HTML element.
// Note that LContainer uses the same indexes as LView, so it's the same HOST constant as declared in the LView interfaces file.
// https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/12.2.x/packages/core/src/render3/interfaces/container.ts#L66-L72

const lView = lContainer[HOST];
if (!lView) {
return null;

// For a non-root component, the context is the component instance.
// So if this directive is correctly attached to an Angular Component (e.g. `<app-*`),
// this array entry will contain the instance of that component.
// https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/12.2.x/packages/core/src/render3/interfaces/view.ts#L173-L180
const contextElement = lView[CONTEXT];

return contextElement || null;