Objective-C 中的 Readonly 属性? ?

我在接口中声明了一个 readonly 属性:

 @property (readonly, nonatomic, copy) NSString* eventDomain;

也许我误解了属性,但是我认为当您将其声明为 readonly时,您可以在实现(.m)文件中使用生成的 setter,但是外部实体不能更改值。这个问题说这是应该发生的。这就是我要找的行为。但是,当尝试使用标准 setter 或 dot 语法在 init 方法中设置 eventDomain时,它会给我一个 unrecognized selector sent to instance.错误。我当然是 @synthesizeing 的财产。试着像这样使用它:

 // inside one of my init methods
[self setEventDomain:@"someString"]; // unrecognized selector sent to instance error

那么,我是否误解了物业的 readonly声明? 还是出现了其他问题?

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If a property is defined as readonly, that means that there effectively wont be a setter that can be used either internally to the class or externally from other classes. (i.e.: You'll only have a "getter" if that makes sense.)

From the sounds of it, you want a normal read/write property that's marked as private, which you can achieve by setting the class variable as private in your interface file as such:

NSString* eventDomain;

You need to tell the compiler that you also want a setter. A common way is to put it in a class extension in the .m file:

@interface YourClass ()

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString* eventDomain;


You are misunderstanding the other question. In that question there is a class extension, declared thus:

@interface MYShapeEditorDocument ()
@property (readwrite, copy) NSArray *shapesInOrderBackToFront;

That is what generates the setter only visible within the class's implementation. So as Eiko says, you need to declare a class extension and override the property declaration to tell the compiler to generate a setter only within the class.

See Customizing Existing Classes in the iOS Docs.

readonly Indicates that the property is read-only. If you specify readonly, only a getter method is required in the @implementation. If you use @synthesize in the implementation block, only the getter method is synthesized. Moreover, if you attempt to assign a value using the dot syntax, you get a compiler error.

Readonly properties only have a getter method. You can still set the backing ivar directly within the property's class or using key value coding.

Another way I've found to work with readonly properties is to use @synthesize to specify the backing store. For example

@interface MyClass

@property (readonly) int whatever;


Then in the implementation

@implementation MyClass

@synthesize whatever = m_whatever;


Your methods can then set m_whatever, since it is a member variable.

Another interesting thing I have realized in the past few days is you can make readonly properties that are writable by subclasses like such:

(in the header file)

@interface MyClass
int m_propertyBackingStore;

@property (readonly) int myProperty;


Then, in the implementation

@synthesize myProperty = m_propertyBackingStore;

It will use the declaration in the header file, so subclasses can update the value of the property, while retaining its readonlyness.

Slightly regrettably in terms of data hiding and encapsulation though.

The shortest solution is:


@interface MyClass {

int myProperty;


@property (readonly) int myProperty;



@implementation MyClass

@synthesize myProperty;


Eiko and others gave correct answers.

Here's a simpler way: Directly access the private member variable.


In the header .h file:

@property (strong, nonatomic, readonly) NSString* foo;

In the implementation .m file:

// inside one of my init methods
self->_foo = @"someString"; // Notice the underscore prefix of var name.

That’s it, that’s all you need. No muss, no fuss.


As of Xcode 4.4 and LLVM Compiler 4.0 (New Features in Xcode 4.4), you need not mess with the chores discussed in the other answers:

  • The synthesize keyword
  • Declaring a variable
  • Re-declaring the property in the implementation .m file.

After declaring a property foo, you can assume Xcode has added a private member variable named with a prefix of underscore: _foo.

If the property was declared readwrite, Xcode generates a getter method named foo and a setter named setFoo. These methods are implicitly called when you use the dot notation (my Object.myMethod). If the property was declared readonly, no setter is generated. That means the backing variable, named with the underscore, is not itself readonly. The readonly means simply that no setter method was synthesized, and therefore using the dot notation to set a value fails with a compiler error. The dot notation fails because the compiler stops you from calling a method (the setter) that does not exist.

The simplest way around this is to directly access the member variable, named with the underscore. You can do so even without declaring that underscore-named variable! Xcode is inserting that declaration as part of the build/compile process, so your compiled code will indeed have the variable declaration. But you never see that declaration in your original source code file. Not magic, just syntactic sugar.

Using self-> is a way to access a member variable of the object/instance. You may be able to omit that, and just use the var name. But I prefer using the self+arrow because it makes my code self-documenting. When you see the self->_foo you know without ambiguity that _foo is a member variable on this instance.

By the way, discussion of pros and cons of property accessors versus direct ivar access is exactly the kind of thoughtful treatment you'll read in Dr. Matt Neuberg's Programming iOS book. I found it very helpful to read and re-read.