push eax ; preserve the value of eax
call some_method ; some method is called which will put return value in eax
mov edx, eax ; move the return value to edx
pop eax ; restore original eax
/* .long takes 4 bytes each. */
/* Store bytes 0x 01 00 00 00 here. */
.long 1
/* 0x 02 00 00 00 */
.long 2
/* Make esp point to the address of val2.
* Unusual, but totally possible. */
mov $val2, %esp
/* eax = 3 */
mov $3, %ea
push %eax
- esp == val1
- val1 == 3
esp was changed to point to val1,
and then val1 was modified.
pop %ebx
- esp == &val2
- ebx == 3
Inverses push: ebx gets the value of val1 (first)
and then esp is increased back to point to val2.
push reg <= same as => sub $8,%rsp # subtract 8 from rsp
mov reg,(%rsp) # store, using rsp as the address
pop reg <= same as=> mov (%rsp),reg # load, using rsp as the address
add $8,%rsp # add 8 to the rsp