This is not so clean because your button will be inside a link element (<a>). However, the advantage is that you have a full control on your button, which may be necessary if you work with a front-end framework like Bootstrap.
I have never used this technique on buttons, to be honest. But I did this on divs quite often...
While the answers on here are all good, none seem to be the simplest solution. After some quick research, it seems that the real easiest way to make a button use vue-router is with the router.push call. This can be used within a .vue template like this:
<button @click="$router.push('about')">Click to Navigate</button>
Super simple and clean. I hope someone else finds this useful!
Sadly no, there is currently no way to do this properly.
I say properly because there obviously are several solutions that were already proposed to this question.
The problem is: they seem to work but really they are not correct.
Here is why:
It is invalid to put any actionable element inside of another in html (there's plenty of invalid html out there and it has not caught fire yet, am I right?).
Most of the solutions I've seen here don't provide any navigation accessibility (nor link features such as "open link in new tab").
The one that does (by Jeff Hykin) has a couple of draw backs too:
It fails to observe point 1)
In his snippet, @click="navigate" is not necessary because <router-link> is really an <a>, which will trigger a navigation by itself and href is totally useless to a <button>.
EDIT: Answer by Badacadabra is a bit better, but still point 1)
Assuming what you want is to reuse a properly styled button component to be used as a valid accessible link.
The real solution and you won't like it (I don't), is to create a component for the button, create another for the link and put whatever can be reused in yet another file (a base actionable component for example).
If the button comes from a library, well, another example that libraries never really solve every problem for you.