It's not an interview question per se, as I came across this in my project, but I figured it could be a decent intervew question.
You have N pairs of intervals, say integers. You're required to indentify all intervals that overlap with each other in O(N) time. For example, if you have
{1, 3} {12, 14} {2, 4} {13, 15} {5, 10}
the answer is {1, 3}, {12, 14}, {2, 4}, {13, 15}. Note that you don't need to group them, so the result can be in any order like in the example.
I just threw in O(N) time because the KMP algorithm takes O(N) for string search. :D
The best I came up with and what I'm using right now in the project is O(N^2). Yeah, brute force is pretty sad, but no one complains so I won't refactor it. :P Still, I was curious if a greater mind has a more elegant solution.