import (
const (
str = "something"
substr = "some"
// 1. Contains
res := strings.Contains(str, substr)
fmt.Println(res) // true
// 2. Index: check the index of the first instance of substr in str, or -1 if substr is not present
i := strings.Index(str, substr)
fmt.Println(i) // 0
// 3. Split by substr and check len of the slice, or length is 1 if substr is not present
ss := strings.Split(str, substr)
fmt.Println(len(ss)) // 2
// 4. Check number of non-overlapping instances of substr in str
c := strings.Count(str, substr)
fmt.Println(c) // 1
// 5. RegExp
matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(substr, str)
fmt.Println(matched) // true
// 6. Compiled RegExp
re = regexp.MustCompile(substr)
res = re.MatchString(str)
fmt.Println(res) // true
< p >基准:
Contains在内部调用Index,因此速度几乎相同(顺便说一下,Go 1.11.5比Go 1.14.3显示出更大的差异)