Java 鼠标事件右击

在我的三个按钮鼠标 MouseEvent.BUTTON2 = 中键点击和 MouseEvent.BUTTON3 = 右键点击。



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Yes, take a look at this thread which talks about the differences between platforms.

How to detect right-click event for Mac OS

BUTTON3 is the same across all platforms, being equal to the right mouse button. BUTTON2 is simply ignored if the middle button does not exist.

To avoid any ambiguity, use the utilities methods from SwingUtilities :

SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(MouseEvent anEvent) SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(MouseEvent anEvent) SwingUtilities.isMiddleMouseButton(MouseEvent anEvent)

I've seen


be used before. I'm fairly new to Java so I'm happy to hear thoughts about this approach :)