from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import *
model = Sequential()
#start from the first hidden layer, since the input is not actually a layer
#but inform the shape of the input, with 3 elements.
model.add(Dense(units=4,input_shape=(3,))) #hidden layer 1 with input
#further layers:
model.add(Dense(units=4)) #hidden layer 2
model.add(Dense(units=1)) #output layer
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import *
#Start defining the input tensor:
inpTensor = Input((3,))
#create the layers and pass them the input tensor to get the output tensor:
hidden1Out = Dense(units=4)(inpTensor)
hidden2Out = Dense(units=4)(hidden1Out)
finalOut = Dense(units=1)(hidden2Out)
#define the model's start and end points
model = Model(inpTensor,finalOut)