computed: {
// a computed getter
reversedMessage: function () {
// `this` points to the vm instance
return this.message.split('').reverse().join('')
<button v-on:click="clearMessage">Clear message</button> // @click
// method clearMessage is only called on a click on this button
<input v-model="message" @keyup.esc="clearMessage" @keyup.enter="alertMessage" />
/* The method clearMessage is only called on pressing the escape key
and the alertMessage method on pressing the enter key */
<p>Uppercase message: \{\{ messageUppercase() }}</p>
methods: {
messageUppercase() {
return this.message.toUpperCase();
/* The method `messageUppercase()` is called on every button click, mouse hover
or other event that is defined on the page with the `v-on directive`. So every
time the page re-renders.*/
<p>Uppercase message: \{\{ messageUppercase }}</p>
data() {
return {
message: "I love Vue.js"
computed: {
messageUppercase() {
return this.message.toUpperCase();
/* The computed property messageUppercase is only called when the propery message is
changed. Not on other events (clicks, mouse hovers,..) unless of course a specific
event changes the value of message. */
import {computed,ref} from 'vue'
export default{
const count=ref(0);
const doubleCount=computed(()=>count.value*2)
function increment(){
return {count,doubleCount,increment} //expose the properties/functions to the template
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>A First App</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />
<div id="app">
<h1>Computed Properties Guide</h1>
<p style="background-color: bisque;">
Let's assume that you have <span v-once>\{\{ cash }}</span>$; And you need to pay a debt=<span v-once>\{\{ debt }}</span>
<p>Your bank account: \{\{ moneyInBank }}$ <button v-on:click="withdraw(value)">Withdrow \{\{ value }}$ from
<p>Your cash: \{\{ cash }}$</p>
<p>Your debt: \{\{ debt }}$ <button v-on:click="lendAmount(value)">Lend \{\{ value }}$ from Infinity</button></p>
<div class="grid">
<button v-on:click="repayADebt(value)">Repay a debt</button>
<span>in amout of</span>
<input type="text" v-model.number="value">
<p>computedPropRemainingCashFundsIfPaid/<br><mark>Available funds in case of debt repayment</mark> = \{\{ computedPropRemainingCashFundsIfPaid }}$</p>
<p>computedPropRemainingTotalFunds = \{\{ computedPropRemainingTotalFunds }}$</p>
<p class="computed-property-desc">when you need to change data, you will use methods. And When you need to change the presentation of existing data, you will use computed properties. As you practice both concepts, it will become easier which one should you use. Very important notes:
1. it must always return a value; 2. computed properties are only used for transforming data and not for chaning it for our presentation layer | they should not alter or change the existing data</p>
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