为什么 Java 需要可串行化的接口?


The question is: since Serializable is an empty interface and Java provides robust serialization once you add implements Serializable - why didn't they make everything serializable and that's it?


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For some classes, especially those that represent something more physical like a File, a Socket, a Thread, or a DB connection, it makes absolutely no sense to serialize instances. For many others, Serialization may be problematic because it destroys uniqueness constraints or simply forces you to deal with instances of different versions of a class, which you may not want to.

Arguably, it might have been better to make everything Serializable by default and make classes non-serializable through a keyword or marker interface - but then, those who should use that option probably would not think about it. The way it is, if you need to implement Serializable, you'll be told so by an Exception.

Serialization is fraught with pitfalls. Automatic serialization support of this form makes the class internals part of the public API (which is why javadoc gives you the 类的持久化形式).




使所有的类都可序列化会加剧这些问题,看看 Effective Java Second Edition,特别是 项目74: 明智地实施可序列化

我觉得 Java 和。网民这次搞错了,如果默认情况下所有内容都是可序列化的,只需要标记那些不能安全序列化的类就更好了。

例如,在 Smalltalk (一种创建于70年代的语言)中,每个对象在默认情况下都是可序列化的。我不知道为什么在 Java 中不是这种情况,因为绝大多数对象序列化是安全的,只有少数对象是不安全的。

Marking an object as serializable (with an interface) doesn't magically make that object serializable, 它一直都是可以连载的, it's just that now you expressed something that the system could have found on his own, so I see no real good reason for serialization being the way it is now.


Well, my answer is that this is for no good reason. And from your comments I can see that you've already learned that. Other languages happily try serializing everything that doesn't jump on a tree after you've counted to 10. An Object should default to be serializable.

所以,基本上你需要做的就是自己读取你的第三方类的所有属性。或者,如果可以的话: 反编译,把该死的关键字放在那里,然后重新编译。

The main role of Serializable in Java is to actually make, by default, all other objects nonserializable. Serialization is a very dangerous mechanism, especially in its default implementation. Hence, like friendship in C++, it is off by default, even if it costs a little to make things serializable.



Having to state explicitely that instances of a certain class are Serializable the language forces you to think about if you you should allow that. For simple value objects serialization is trivial, but in more complex cases you need to really think things through.

By just relying on the standard serialization support of the JVM you expose yourself to all kinds of nasty versioning issues.


Java 中有些东西就是做不到 因为它们是特定于运行时的。像流、线程、运行时、, 等等,甚至一些 GUI 类(连接到底层操作系统)也不能 被连载。


资料来源: 为什么类必须实现 Serialable 才能写入 ObjectOutputStream?

While I agree with the points made in other answers here, the real problem is with deserialisation: If the class definition changes then there's a real risk the deserialisation won't work. Never modifying existing fields is a pretty major commitment for the author of a library to make! Maintaining API compatibility is enough of a chore as it is.

Read this to understand Serializable Interface and why we should make only few classes Serializable and also we shopuld take care where to use transient keyword in case we want to remove few fields from the storing procedure.


需要保存到文件或其他媒体中的类必须实现 Serializer 接口,以便 JVM 可以允许对类对象进行序列化。 为什么 Object 类没有序列化那么没有类需要实现接口,毕竟 JVM 只有在我使用 ObjectOutputStream的时候才序列化类,这意味着控件仍然在我的手中,让 JVM 序列化。

Object 类在默认情况下不可序列化的原因是类版本是主要问题。因此,对序列化感兴趣的每个类都必须显式地标记为 Serialalize,并提供版本号 serialVersionUID。

如果没有提供 serialVersionUID,那么在反序列化对象时会得到意外的结果,这就是为什么如果 serialVersionUID不匹配,JVM 会抛出 InvalidClassException。因此,每个类都必须实现 可序列化接口并提供 serialVersionUID,以确保在两端呈现的 Class 是相同的。