在创建虚拟环境(Python)时,“ viralenv”和“-m venv”有什么区别

抱歉我说话有点傻。 我有点糊涂了 这两者有什么区别
我 CD 到我的开发目录,并使用“ [咒语]”,它创建虚拟环境。但是如果我使用“ 我来了,我来了”,它只会给出错误。请告诉我

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venv is a package shipped directly with python 3. So you don't need to pip install anything.

virtualenv instead is an independent library available at https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/ and can be install with pip.

They solve the same problem and work in a very similar manner.

If you use python3 I suggest to avoid an "extra" dependency and just stick with venv.

Your error is probably because you use Python2/pip2.

I think the virtualenv docs explain this the best:

venv is a subset of virtualenv integrated into the standard library since Python 3.3. The subset meaning that only part of virtualenvs functionality is in venv:

  • venv can be slower since it does not have "app-data seed method"
  • venv is only upgraded via upgrading the Python version, while virtualenv is updated using pip.
  • venv is not extendable
  • virtualenv has richer programmatic API (describe virtual environments without creating them). See the venv API here.
  • venv cannot automatically discover arbitrarily installed python versions, while virtualenv does. This means, that with venv you have to specify the full path of the python executable, if you want to use some other python version than the first one in the PATH. With virtualenv, you can just give the version number. See python discovery in the virtualenv documentation.

To me the differences are quite subtle and the only practical difference has been that venv is included in the standard library (since 3.3). I have been using python -m venv venv for a long time and have never needed an alternative.