public ActionResult Example() {
if (Request.HttpMethod.ToUpperInvariant() == "GET") {
// GET
else if (Request.HttpMethod.ToUpperInvariant() == "POST") {
// Post
public ActionResult Index(string i);
public ActionResult Index(int groupId, int itemId);
public ActionResult Index(string i, int? groupId, int? itemId)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhitespace(i))
// parse i for the id
else if (groupId.HasValue && itemId.HasValue)
// use groupId and itemId for the id
public class CustomerController : Controller
// GET: /Customer/
public ActionResult LoadCustomer()
return Content("LoadCustomer");
public ActionResult LoadCustomer(string str)
return Content("LoadCustomer with a string");
public class CustomerController : Controller
// GET: /Customer/
public ActionResult LoadCustomer()
return Content("LoadCustomer");
public ActionResult LoadCustomer(string str)
return Content("LoadCustomer with a string");
// Returns
public ActionResult Index()
// Returns/View
public ActionResult View()
// I wouldn't really do this but it proves the concept.
int id = 7026;
return View(id);
// Returns/View/7003
public ActionResult View(int id)
// Returns/View/99300046-0ba4-47db-81bf-ba6e3ac3cf01
public ActionResult View(Guid id)
public class CarHireController
[Route("{location}/{page:int=1}", Name = "CarHireLocation")]
public ActionResult Index(string country, string location, int page)
return Index(country, location, null, page);
[Route("{location}/{subLocation}/{page:int=1}", Name = "CarHireSubLocation")]
public ActionResult Index(string country, string location, string subLocation, int page)
//The main work goes here
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult GetEmpName()
return Content("This is the test Message");
public ActionResult GetEmpName(string EmpCode)
return Content("This is the test Messagewith Overloaded");
如果你试图实现与web api控制器相同的逻辑,那么使用Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.WebApiCompatShim。这个nuget包提供了ASP中的兼容性。asp.net核心MVC与ASP。NET Web API 2简化现有Web API实现的迁移。请检查这个答案,但考虑一下
从ASP开始。 . NET Core 3.0, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.WebApiCompatShim包不再可用