


#include <string>

// ...
// in a method
std::string a = "Hello ";
std::string b = "World";
std::string c = a + b;

编译器告诉我它找不到 char[dim]的重载运算符。

这是否意味着字符串中没有 + 运算符?


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std::string a = "Hello ";
a += "World";

I would do this:

std::string a("Hello ");
std::string b("World");
std::string c = a + b;

Which compiles in VS2008.

std::string a = "Hello ";
std::string b = "World ";
std::string c = a;

Your code, as written, works. You’re probably trying to achieve something unrelated, but similar:

std::string c = "hello" + "world";

This doesn’t work because for C++ this seems like you’re trying to add two char pointers. Instead, you need to convert at least one of the char* literals to a std::string. Either you can do what you’ve already posted in the question (as I said, this code will work) or you do the following:

std::string c = std::string("hello") + "world";