
在 VS2010中,我注意到每次编译解决方案时都会显示“输出窗口”,即使我们已经关闭了它。

在 VS2008中,情况并非如此。我不介意这个输出窗口。我更喜欢只看“错误窗口”,而且只有在必要的时候。在 VS2008中,它是完美的。

如何禁用系统显示的“输出窗口”在 VS2010?

23759 次浏览

Go to Tools, Options, Projects And Solutions, and uncheck Show Output Window when Build Starts.

In VS2013 also:
Tools -> Options -> Source Control -> Perforce - Logging -> uncheck "Show p4 command output for file operations"

While the question is related to compiling. I came to this question and I am sure other will, just to disable the output window entirely.

So in addition to the accepted answer I offer the following.

In VS2013 (versions maybe more or less).

Tools > Options > Debugging > Output Window

There are a number of options turned on for directing messages to the output window.

I has simply saved a unit test class when it popped up in front of me.