One of the reasons this can happen is because the installer attempts to install an older version of the VC++ runtime than what you are currently using.
See this installation log, found in your user's temporary directory (e.g. dd_vcredist_amd64_20190214193107.log):
[20C0:20E4][2019-02-14T19:31:07]e000: Error 0x80070666: Cannot install a product when a newer version is installed.
A workaround is to prevent the runtimes from installing with the --install_runtimes option:
Take special care that your Windows user's folder name does not contain spaces. PostgreSQL (as of version handles that poorly. If I use this account on Windows XP, installation fails with the "An error occurred executing the Microsoft C++ runtime installer" message:
"C:\Documents and settings\Jimmy (admin)"
But it runs just fine with this:
"C:\Documents and settings\Jimmy-admin"
The spaces in "Documents and settings" don't seem to bother the installer. Go figure.
In my case, when I was installing postgresql-11.0-1-windows-x64.exe on Windows 10, I had faced the same problem.
I just uninstalled the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (the latest one for both 32 and 64 bit) and then tried to install postgresql-11.0-1-windows-x64.exe again, and it worked for me.
I had the same problem while trying to install PostgreSQL version 11.1. I had to uninstall the Microsoft VC++ and run the installer again. It downloaded the required VC++ and the installation went successful.
Windows Script Host (WSH) is unable to execute VBScript scripts. This can occur if the scripting host is disabled (which is unusual), or if the installation is broken. A sign of this problem is a message like
CScript Error: Can't find script engine "VBScript" for script "C:....
It can often be resolved by re-registering the VBScript interpreter, click Start * → * Run and enter the following and click OK: