is there something like isset of php in javascript/jQuery?
Is there something in javascript/jQuery to check whether variable is set/available or not? In php, we use isset($variable) to check something like this.
phpjs project is a trusted source. Lots of js equivalent php functions available there. I have been using since a long time and found no issues so far.
If you want to check if a property exists: hasOwnProperty is the way to go
And since most objects are properties of some other object (eventually leading to the window object) this can work well for checking if values have been declared.
in addition to @emil-vikström's answer, checking for variable!=null would be true for variable!==null as well as for variable!==undefined (or typeof(variable)!="undefined").
Some parts of each of these answers work. I compiled them all down into a function "isset" just like the question was asking and works like it does in PHP.
var example = 'this is an example';
console.log('the example variable has a value set');
It depends on the situation you need it for but let me break down what each part does:
typeof(variable) !== "undefined" checks if the variable is defined at all
variable !== null checks if the variable is null (some people explicitly set null and don't think if it is set to null that that is correct, in that case, remove this part)
variable !== '' checks if the variable is set to an empty string, you can remove this if an empty string counts as set for your use case