VueJs 获取 URL 查询

我正在用 vuejs 开发一个网站,现在我遇到了一个问题,我需要从一个像这样的 URL 获取 URL 查询(页面) ,但是给了我一个错误(未捕获的类型错误: 无法读取属性“页面”的未定义)


附言: 我可以设置查询页面使用

this.$router.push({name: 'userIndex', query: { page: '123' } });

我可以得到 URL 的普通参数,比如

userID -> ( |


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Current route properties are present in this.$route, this.$router is the instance of router object which gives the configuration of the router. You can get the current route query using this.$route.query

I think you can simple call like this, this will give you result value.


Look image $route is object in Vue Instance and you can access with this keyword and next you can select object properties like above one :

enter image description here

Have a look Vue-router document for selecting queries value :

Vue Router Object

In my case I console.log(this.$route) and returned the fullPath:

fullPath: "/solicitud/MX/666",
params: {market: "MX", id: "666"},
path: "/solicitud/MX/666"

console.js: /solicitud/MX/666

You can also get them with pure javascript.

For example:

new URL(location.href).searchParams.get('page')

For this url:, it would return a value of 1

For the url either having query param or as route path. use: this.$router.currentRoute._value. It has all the properties of the url that you may want

This is have all the routes like for url: https://localhost:8880/2?isExternal=true


note: studentId is the route param name.
output: will return 2

This is have all the query params like: https://localhost:8880/2?isExternal=true


output: will return value of isExternal, that is: true

enter image description here