如何删除 Xcode 警告苹果马赫 -O 链接器警告’指针不对齐的地址

我有一个轻微的问题,当建立我的 Xcode 项目,得到更新吊舱后的警告音调。就像这样

enter image description here


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Got this response from firebase support:

This is a known issue with Xcode 8.3 beta, so it might be a beta thing and Xcode being extra verbose. It works well though with 8.2.1 so I recommend temporarily use it to avoid the warnings or ignore the warnings on 8.3 beta if it does not affect your app.

It probably means their binary file has non-aligned pointer when they compile their code. In those cases the alignment basically defaults to 1 byte and hypothetically might impact performance. After updating to Xcode 8.3 public release I am still seeing this error, so Google might need to compile their static library with different settings to make it go away.

These problems are addressed, and likely fixed, with release 3.16.0.

This has been fixed in Firebase 3.16.0 (Firebase Core 3.6 + Firebase Analytics 3.8.0)

guys, it is all fixed now. Tested it all myself on two projects. You got to go to the correct directory of your project so that your pod spec file is visible to your command line commands, run

pod update

and see it all fixed and working properly!