Eclipse 安全存储

有没有可能完全禁用 Eclipse 的安全存储密码? 我正在 Windows7上运行 EclipseHelios。

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To disable the master password prompt you have to specifiy a file containing the password with -eclipse.password, see Eclipse SDK Help and Bug 241223.

The complete procedure is as follows (this is on Linux, on Windows it should work as well if you change the paths):

  1. Exit Eclipse
  2. Delete the directory ~/.eclipse/
  3. Create a text file containing your master password, e.g. echo "secret" > ~/.eclipse/master
  4. Add to the very top of eclipse.ini, found in the Eclipse program directory (as two lines, don't combine into one)

  5. Start Eclipse again.

On Ubuntu 11.10 with Eclipse Indigo installed the folder is hidden in the /root/.eclipse folder. Do a

sudo su
cd /root/.eclipse

Then (re)start eclipse and the password will be gone.

  1. Windows->preferences->then type "secure storage"
  2. In the Contents tab, select [Default Secure Storage].
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Let Eclipse restart.

In windows 7 enerprise 64 bits + java 8 In eclipse go to :

--> General
-> security
-> secure Storage.
In master Password providers UNCKECK Windows integration (64 bits)

Then go to General -- network connections -- proxy And edit your proxy settings. A wizard appear to create Secure Storage

You can now just delete it, assuming you don't need it for anything. Go to Window > Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage and then click on the 'Contents' tab. If you click the Delete button and then restart Eclipse, you will no longer see the pop-up.

From what I understand, Secure Storage is mostly used with repositories like Git and SVN. In my case, I don't need it for my home computer. I use Git at work, but even so, I have never seen the Secure Storage pop up before.

Here's my solution in Nano.2 on Windows, and it's nice and easy and seems to be working:

  • Window -> Preferences -> General -> Security -> Security Storage
  • Password tab: in the Master password providers section, uncheck Windows Integration and UI Prompt

I also tried deleting the [Default Secure Storage] in the Contents tab like some other answers suggested, but this is not needed and it gets recreated upon restart anyways.

While opening the Eclipse or importing the project, you might get sometimes error called Salt must be 8 bytes long. This is because of conflicts between Java and OS key store.

Either of following are the solutions of this problem.

► Solution 1: Remove file <USERHOME>.eclipse\\secure_ storage from your system. After that please restart machine and try to use Eclipse***.

► Solution 2: Uncheck the Windows Integration (64 bit) and UI Prompt from Password tab of Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Security -> Secure Storage. After that please restart machine and try to use Eclipse.

► Solution 3: Delete [Default Secure Storage] from Contents tab of Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Security -> Secure Storage. After that please restart machine and try to use Eclipse.