/// This will move the TitleLabel text of a UIButton to below it's Image and Centered.
/// Note: No point in calling this function before autolayout lays things out.
/// - Parameter padding: Some extra padding to be applied
func centerVertically(padding: CGFloat = 18.0) {
// No point in doing anything if we don't have an imageView size
guard let imageFrame = imageView?.frame else { return }
titleLabel?.numberOfLines = 0
titleEdgeInsets.left = -(imageFrame.width + padding)
titleEdgeInsets.top = (imageFrame.height + padding)
class VerticalButton: UIButton {
override func layoutSubviews() {
let padding: CGFloat = 8
let iH = imageView?.frame.height ?? 0
let tH = titleLabel?.frame.height ?? 0
let v: CGFloat = (frame.height - iH - tH - padding) / 2
if let iv = imageView {
let x = (frame.width - iv.frame.width) / 2
iv.frame.origin.y = v
iv.frame.origin.x = x
if let tl = titleLabel {
let x = (frame.width - tl.frame.width) / 2
tl.frame.origin.y = frame.height - tl.frame.height - v
tl.frame.origin.x = x
centeredButton.setBackgroundImage(perfectImage, for: .normal) // This sets image to Button's backgroundImageView
centeredButton.backgroundImageView?.contentMode = .top // This moves image to the top of the Button's frame
centeredButton.contentVerticalAlignment = .bottom // This moves label to the bottom of the Button's frame.