我当时正在阅读《果壳中的算法》(O’Reilly) ,在一个类图中偶然发现了这个符号。我的猜测是,这意味着该成员是受保护的,但我想看看是否有人知道它的确切含义。
'#' indicates the visibility. In this case it refers to a protected operation [ edited out the term 'method' as this is not as generic ].
It indicates a protected member of a class or other data type.
- Indicates private
+ Indicates public
# Indicates protected
It implies that it is protected, for a variable it will only be seen in the class and inherited classes.
'#' stands for visibility "protected" (similar to public,private ) behavior of the property/methods in the class . You can find more of the same at uml_basic_notations
Add also to :
~ Indicates package-private (or default)