

114447 次浏览

If you are using .NET: Check the value of BitConverter.IsLittleEndian.

In C, C++

int n = 1;
// little endian if true
if(*(char *)&n == 1) {...}

See also: Perl version

Another C code using union

union {
int i;
char c[sizeof(int)];
} x;
x.i = 1;
if(x.c[0] == 1)
else    printf("big-endian\n");

It is same logic that belwood used.

A C++ solution:

namespace sys {

const unsigned one = 1U;

inline bool little_endian()
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&one) + sizeof(unsigned) - 1;

inline bool big_endian()
return !little_endian();

} // sys

int main()
std::cout << "little";

In Linux,

static union { char c[4]; unsigned long mylong; } endian_test = { { 'l', '?', '?', 'b' } };
#define ENDIANNESS ((char)endian_test.mylong)

if (ENDIANNESS == 'l') /* little endian */
if (ENDIANNESS == 'b') /* big endian */

In Python:

from sys import byteorder
# will print 'little' if little endian

A one-liner with Perl (which should be installed by default on almost all systems):

perl -e 'use Config; print $Config{byteorder}'

If the output starts with a 1 (least-significant byte), it's a little-endian system. If the output starts with a higher digit (most-significant byte), it's a big-endian system. See documentation of the Config module.

Using Macro,

const int isBigEnd=1;
#define is_bigendian() ((*(char*)&isBigEnd) == 0)

In C

#include <stdio.h>

/* function to show bytes in memory, from location start to start+n*/
void show_mem_rep(char *start, int n)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%2x ", start[i]);

/*Main function to call above function for 0x01234567*/
int main()
int i = 0x01234567;
show_mem_rep((char *)&i, sizeof(i));
return 0;

When above program is run on little endian machine, gives “67 45 23 01” as output , while if it is run on big endian machine, gives “01 23 45 67” as output.

In C++20 use std::endian:

#include <bit>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
if constexpr (std::endian::native == std::endian::little)
std::cout << "little-endian";
else if constexpr (std::endian::native == std::endian::big)
std::cout << "big-endian";
std::cout << "mixed-endian";

In Rust (byteorder crate required):

use std::any::TypeId;

let is_little_endian = TypeId::of::<byteorder::NativeEndian>() == TypeId::of::<byteorder::LittleEndian>();

In Nim,

echo cpuEndian

It is exported from the system module.

A compilable version of the top answer for n00bs:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int n = 1;

// little endian if true
if(*(char *)&n == 1) {
printf("Little endian\n");
} else {
printf("Big endian\n");

Stick that in check-endianness.c and compile and run:

$ gcc -o check-endianness check-endianness.c
$ ./check-endianness

This whole command is a copy/pasteable bash script you can paste into your terminal:

cat << EOF > check-endianness.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int n = 1;
// little endian if true
if(*(char *)&n == 1) {
printf("Little endian\n");
} else {
printf("Big endian\n");

gcc -o check-endianness check-endianness.c \
&& ./check-endianness \
&& rm check-endianness check-endianness.c

The code is in a gist here if you prefer. There is also a bash command that you can run that will generate, compile, and clean up after itself.

In Rust (no crates or use statements required)

In a function body:

if cfg!(target_endian = "big") {
println!("Big endian");
} else {
println!("Little endian");

Outside a function body:

#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
fn print_endian() {
println!("Big endian")

#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
fn print_endian() {
println!("Little endian")

This is what the byteorder crate does internally: https://docs.rs/byteorder/1.3.2/src/byteorder/lib.rs.html#1877

In Powershell


In bash (from How to tell if a Linux system is big endian or little endian?):

endian=`echo -n "I" | od -to2 | head -n1 | cut -f2 -d" " | cut -c6`

if [ "$endian" == "1" ]; then
echo "little-endian"
echo "big-endian"

All the answers using a program to find endianess at runtime is wrong! The fact whether a machine is big endian or little endian is hidden from the programmer, by the compiler. On a big-endian machine the typecast will again return 1, because the compiler knows that the machine is big endian and the casting will fetch the higher memory address. Only way to find the endianess is to fetch the system's configuration or environment variable. Similar to some of the answers above like the one liner perl answer etc.

C logic to check whether your processor follows little endian or big endian

unsigned int i =12345;
char *c = (char *)&i; // typecast int to char* so that it points to first bit of int
if(*c != 0){          // If *c points to 0 then it is Big endian else Little endian
printf("Little endian");
printf("Big endian");

Hope this helps. Was one of the question asked in my interview for the role of embedded software engineer role